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Botulinum toxin use in neuro-rehabilitation to treat obstetrical plexus palsy and sialorrhea following neurological diseases: A review


In neuro-rehabilitation, botulinum toxin (BTX) as adjunct to other interventions can result in a useful therapeutic tool treating disabled people. Other than spasticity, numerous motor and non motor disorders can complicate clinical course and hamper rehabilitative process of neurological impaired patients. A review of BTX use in treating muscular imbalance of children with obstetrical brachial plexus palsy and in reducing sialorrhea following neurological diseases including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ASL), Parkinson disease and cerebral palsy (CP) is provided. Clinicians have to face unique and difficult to treat clinical conditions such as ulcers, sores and abnormal posture and movement disorders due to neurological affections. BTX effectiveness in treating some of these conditions is also provided. Since, neurologically disabled subjects can show complex dysfunction, prior to initiating BTX therapy, specific functional limitations, goals and expected outcomes of treatment should be evaluated and discussed with family and caregivers.