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Successful vocational outcomes: A multilevel analysis of self-employment through U.S. vocational rehabilitation agencies

Scott H. Yamamoto and Charlotte Y. Alverson

[Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 38 (2013), 15-27, DOI 10.3233/JVR-120617]

The last sentence of the first full paragraph on page 19 of section 2.3.2 HLM statistical analyses should read:

A population-average model would answer a different question, for example, of how unemployment or being male affects the nationwide log odds of self-employment closure, holding constant other predictors, and averaging the random effects value across all states (i.e., nationwide average).

The last sentence of the third and final paragraph of section 4.3.1 Implications for Researchers should read:

Thus, moving forward, self-employment should be studied with longitudinal research designs, spanning several years.