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Reviewers List 2023

Technology and Disability would like to recognize the following for their time and commitment in providing scientific reviews from November 1, 2022, through October 31, 2023.

Alice Spann

Amir Shafaat

Bart Geilen

Christiaan Pinkster

Dipshikha Podder

Dominique Archambault

Dusan Simsik

Eleni Damianidou

Fred Holtkamp

Georgios Kouroupetroglou

Gerwin Smit

Gurdeep Singh

Irfan Leghari

Jeanne Heijkers

Kathryn Marshall

Klaus Ruediger Fellbaum

Laura Schnetzer

Lorenzo Desideri

Luca Fanucci

M Westerveld

Mark Leemhuis

MyungJoon Lim

Paula Conceição Rocha de Oliveira

Qitao Huang

Roberto Erro

Ruth Dalemans

Sara Comai

Sara Fiori

Sile O’Modhrain

Stephen Potter

Tone Oderud

Vinicius Ramos

Wolfgang Zagler