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Design of a website for home modifications for older persons with dementia



At present, persons with dementia and their family caregivers in the Netherlands are not adequately supported to modify their dwellings to match their personal needs.


To facilitate aging-in-place for persons with dementia, a website was designed.


The website was designed with persons with dementia and their spouses. In consultation sessions existing websites were discussed. Based on this discussion, a demonstration website was created and then discussed with and judged by the participants. Visits to the website were monitored using Google Analytics.


Participants prefer a website that is easy to print. In addition, the navigation menu should have a maximum of three levels, and the website menu should be positioned on the left. Participants dislike the use of meaningless photographs because these do not add any value to the information given.


Participants prefer a website that is as accessible as reading a book. Some differences are related to culture, such as the participants dislike for the use of English terms. Therefore, preferences or dislikes of items on a website could not be generalized as such. However, the preferences and dislikes may provide useful input for the design process of an appropriate website.