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TT-Open-WBO-Inc: An Efficient Anytime MaxSAT Solver


We present our anytime MaxSAT solver TT-Open-WBO-Inc, focusing on its evolution since the initial version that won both of the weighted incomplete tracks of MaxSAT Evaluation 2019 (MSE19). The solver’s MSE20 version claimed victory in these tracks at MSE20 and secured second place in both unweighted incomplete tracks. The major innovation in the MSE20 version was the integration of SAT-based local search. The contributions of this paper include: (1) Introducing a previously unpublished variant of the SAT-based local search algorithm Polosat, Polosat-OBV, applied by default already in the MSE20 version, and showing its superiority for weighted solving; (2) Describing and analyzing TT-Open-WBO-Inc’s unweighted component, not studied in previous work; (3) Demonstrating that integrating the local search algorithm SATLike into TT-Open-WBO-Inc as a preprocessor enables it to outperform the winners of MSE20 in all four incomplete tracks.


MaxSAT is a widely used extension of SAT to optimizing a linear Pseudo–Boolean (PB) function. Given a set of hard propositional clauses H and a target bit-vector (target) T={tn,tn1,,t1}, where each target bit ti is a Boolean variable associated with a strictly positive integer weight wi, MaxSAT finds a model σ to H that minimizes the objective function Ψ(σ)=i=1nσ(ti)×wi. A MaxSAT instance is unweighted iff all the weights are 1; otherwise it is weighted. Anytime MaxSAT solvers, evaluated at MaxSAT Evaluations (MSEs) since 2011 in the so-called incomplete tracks, find an improving set of models {μ1,μ2,,μn} over time, that is, for every j>i, they have Ψ(μj)<Ψ(μi).

This paper presents the latest version of our anytime MaxSAT solver TT-Open-WBO-Inc. Our solver’s initial release, described in [6], was spawned from the MSE18 version of Open-WBO-Inc [3]. That release won both of the weighted incomplete tracks of MSE19. The major innovations in the next MSE20 version included the integration of the SAT-based local search [8] and the enablement of unweighted solving. The current paper covers:

  • 1) a previously unpublished variant of the SAT-based local search algorithm Polosat [8], Polosat-OBV, applied by default already at MSE20. Section 3 demonstrates Polosat-OBV’s superior performance over Polosat for weighted solving, thus Polosat-OBV contributed to the solver winning both weighted incomplete tracks at MSE20.

  • 2) TT-Open-WBO-Inc’s unweighted component’s architecture, previously undescribed. The solver came in second in both unweighted incomplete tracks at MSE20.

  • 3) showing that by incorporating the local search solver SATLike [2] for preprocessing, TT-Open-WBO-Inc surpasses the winners of MSE20 in all four incomplete tracks.

The baseline algorithm for both weighted and unweighted solving in Open-WBO-Inc, inherited by TT-Open-WBO-Inc, is Linear Search SAT-UNSAT (LSU) [4]. LSU finds the first model μ1 by applying an incremental SAT solver over the hard clauses only. Then, it blocks all the solutions of weight Ψ(μ1) using PB constraints (in the weighted case) or cardinality constraints (in the unweighted case) and continues the process of finding and blocking new improving models iteratively. LSU stops when the solver returns UNSAT, in which case the last model is an optimal one. A known drawback of LSU, which slows it down considerably in practice, is that the cardinality and the PB constraints are too heavy, especially so when the value of the objective function given the initial model is high.

1.1.Weighted Component of TT-Open-WBO-Inc

Table 1 tracks the evolution of the weighted component of TT-Open-WBO-Inc. The baseline algorithm, BMO, is inherited from Open-WBO-Inc [3]. BMO is an incomplete algorithm that approximates weighted solving by clustering the target bits to groups of roughly similar (possibly relaxed) weight and applying LSU over these groups from the highest towards the lowest weights (inspired by Boolean Multilevel Optimization [1]). For MSE19, we incorporated the polarity and variables selection heuristics TORC and TSB, respectively [6,7], to bias the SAT solver towards both the best solution so far and the optimal solution. Specifically, TORC always chooses 0 as the initial polarity for the target bits, whereas, for non-target bits, it picks their value in the best solution so far (if already available). TSB boosts the scores of the target bits at the beginning. For MSE20, we enhanced the weighted component by a new variant of Polosat, Polosat-OBV. Section 2 below reviews Polosat and introduces Polosat-OBV. Finally, for this paper, we also integrated the (classical) local search solver SATLike [2], which we apply for preprocessing similarly to the winner of MSE20 in incomplete unweighted tracks SATLike-20 as follows: obtain a first solution with SAT, improve it for 15 sec. with SATLike and switch to the main SAT-based flow.

Table 1.

Weighted component evolvement in TT-Open-WBO-Inc since Open-WBO-Inc

SATLikeClassical local searchPreprocess for 15 sec.[2]
2020Polosat-OBVSAT-based local searchReplace SAT queriesNew
2019TORC & TSBSAT heuristicsChange default heuristics[7]
2018BMOSAT-based MaxSAT flowBaseline (Open-WBO-Inc)[3]

1.2.Unweighted Component of TT-Open-WBO-Inc

Consider Table 2, which tracks the evolution of the unweighted component of our solver. Its baseline algorithm is Mrs.Beaver [5], inherited from Open-WBO-Inc [3]. Mrs.Beaver approximates MaxSAT by Optimization Modulo Bit-Vectors (OBV) [9]. OBV is an optimization problem akin to MaxSAT, with the only distinction being that OBV’s objective is to minimize the value of the target T (where T is interpreted as an unsigned number), that is, in OBV, the order of the target bits matters. Mrs.Beaver comprises two stages. The first incomplete stage tries to quickly improve the best known solution by iteratively applying the OBV-BS OBV algorithm. Briefly, OBV-BS works as follows. It goes down the target bits from the MSB towards the LSB, where, for the current bit i, it checks if there is a solution with ti=0 using a SAT query (OBV-BS inside Mrs.Beaver limits every SAT query by a 1000 conflict threshold). If no solution is found, ti is fixed to 1. Otherwise, ti and any subsequent satisfied bits ti+1ti+l are fixed to 0 and the algorithm moves on to testing bit number i+l+1. For improving the odds of finding a good unordered solution with OBV-BS’s ordered approximation, Mrs.Beaver shuffles or reverses the target bits provided to OBV-BS in every iteration; some iterations also push any 0-valued bits towards the MSB after a new model is found [5]. The second complete stage of Mrs.Beaver falls back to LSU.

As summarized in Table 2, we upgraded the unweighted component for MSE20 as follows. First, we added TORC (omitting TSB due to preliminary experiments showing no benefit in unweighted solving). Second, we enhanced Mrs.Beaver by the following two heuristics from Sect. IV.1 in [7]: Global Stopping Condition (GSC) and Size-based Switching to Complete Part (SSCP). With SSCP, Mrs.Beaver switches from the incomplete to the complete stage whenever the number of clauses expected to be generated by LSU (for blocking all the solutions of weight Ψ(μ1)) is not greater than 106; otherwise, Mrs.Beaver never switches. GSC halts any OBV-BS iteration at the incomplete stage and proceeds to the next one once (and if) the number of target bits fixed to 1 by OBV-BS matches that of the best MaxSAT solution so far (so, no improvement is possible). Third, we incorporated Polosat-OBV. For this paper, we integrated SATLike [2] similarly to the weighted component, and, based on our results in Section 3, reverted from Polosat-OBV to Polosat [8] for unweighted solving.

Table 2.

Unweighted component evolvement in TT-Open-WBO-Inc since Open-WBO-Inc

PolosatSAT-based local searchSupplant Polosat-OBV[8]
SATLikeClassical local searchPreprocess for 15 sec.[2]
2020Polosat-OBVSAT-based local searchReplace SAT queriesNew
GSC & SSCPMrs. Beaver heuristicsModify Mrs. Beaver[7]
TORCSAT heuristicChange default heuristic[7]
2018Mrs. BeaverSAT-based MaxSAT flowBaseline (Open-WBO-Inc)[5]

The following Section 2 is about SAT-based local search: it reviews Polosat and introduces Polosat-OBV. Section 3 is dedicated to experimental results. Section 4 concludes our work.

2.SAT-Based Local Search: Polosat and Polosat-OBV

Alg. 1 presents the code of both Polosat [8] and our new Polosat-OBV algorithm.


Consider Alg. 1 in Polosat mode (with lines 8 to 13 disabled). It implements Alg. 2 in [8]. Polosat can be understood as a SAT-based local search algorithm. First, it invokes a SAT solver to get the first model and stashes that model in μ. Then it enters a loop, where each iteration is called an epoch. Each epoch tries to improve the best model so far μ. The algorithm finishes and returns μ, when a certain epoch cannot improve μ anymore.

Each epoch goes over the so-called bad target bits B, where a target bit is considered bad if it has not been assigned 0 in any model from the beginning of the current epoch. The algorithm tries to flip each bad target bit ti by sending the SAT solver a flip-query with ¬ti as an assumption. Note that if the flip-query finds any model, it must be different from every other model encountered during the current epoch, since the current bad target bit is enforced to 0. If a model better than μ is found, μ is updated. The set of the bad target bits B is refined, whenever any new model is found.


The idea behind our new Polosat-OBV algorithm is as follows. Let ti be the current bad target bit, encountered by Polosat. We are interested to make an additional SAT query, called the context-query, prior to the flip-query. For the context-query, the SAT solver is provided with the assumption ¬ti (as in Polosat) along with a set of assumptions assigning the target bit variables tj:1j<i their polarity in μ. The context-query looks for a new model in a more restricted context, induced by the value in μ of the current target prefix. It is expected to come back faster than the flip-query, because of the additional assumptions. If the context-query succeeds to improve the best model, we skip the flip-query for the current bad target bit. Otherwise, the flip-query is applied as usual.

Algorithm 1

Polosat-OBV or Polosat

Polosat-OBV or Polosat

2.3.Polosat and Polosat-OBV Integration into TT-Open-WBO-Inc

We integrated Alg. 1, which supports both Polosat and Polosat-OBV into TT-Open-WBO-Inc as follows. SAT invocations are replaced by Alg. 1 invocations, where the target bits are sorted by their weight in decreasing order and target bits having the same weight are randomly shuffled. In addition, we apply an adaptive strategy that stops Alg. 1 forever and falls back to SAT whenever the model generation rate of Alg. 1 is slower than n model per second, where n=1 for the weighted component and n=2 for the unweighted one. We use conflict threshold of 1000 for every SAT query. Furthermore, the weighted component also uses the mutation combination strategy (see Section 3.B in [8]), which tries to combine solutions to create new ones, although mutation combination’s impact is marginal [8].

3.Experimental Results

In this section, we study the performance of both weighted and unweighted components of TT-Open-WBO-Inc and compare it to the state-of-the-art solvers SATLike-cw-20 (weighted) and SATLike-c-20 (unweighted) [2]. We ran the following 6 configurations of TT-Open-WBO-Inc for both the weighted and unweighted cases: TT-{S}-{P}, where S{SL,NoSL} and P{NoPol,Pol,PolOBV}. Specifically, SATLike is applied iff S=SL. In addition, if P=Pol then Polosat is applied; if P=PolOBV then Polosat-OBV is applied; if P=NoPol then neither Polosat nor Polosat-OBV is applied.

We used MSE20 benchmarks. We calculated the score c[01] for solver S and time interval T, given a particular instance, as follows: c=i(1 + the minimal weight found by any participating solver in 30 minutes) / (1 + the weight found by S in time interval T). We ran the solvers for 30 minutes and measured their average score at different time intervals. We used machines with 32 Gb of memory running IntelⓇ XeonⓇ processors with 3 Ghz CPU frequency. The results are shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 for weighted and unweighted instances, respectively.11

On weighted instances, our new Polosat-OBV algorithm considerably outperforms Polosat, independently of whether SATLike is used. Moreover, combining SAT-based local search and the classical local search yields excellent results. The resulting solver TT-SL-PolOBV is significantly more efficient than both the version without SATLike (TT-NoSL-PolOBV), which won MSE20, and the version without any SAT-based local search (TT-SL-NoPol).

In a striking difference from the weighted case, in the unweighted scenario, the best-performing version over time utilizes Polosat instead of Polosat-OBV, and the overall impact of Polosat is less significant than in the weighted case. The reason might be related to the similarity of the additional context-query in Polosat-OBV to the SAT queries in the OBV-BS-based underlying Mrs.Beaver algorithm. In a sense, Mrs.Beaver already implements a variant of SAT-based local search with context-queries only. Integrating SATLike yields excellent results similarly to the weighted case. The best resulting solver TT-SL-Polosat outeprforms the winner of MSE20, SATLike-c-20, for every time interval.

Figure 1.

Weighted results.

Weighted results.
Figure 2.

Unweighted results.

Unweighted results.


We presented the latest version of our state-of-the-art anytime MaxSAT solver TT-Open-WBO-Inc. Our exposition included: (1) Describing a previously unpublished variant of the SAT-based local search algorithm Polosat, Polosat-OBV, and concluding that Polosat-OBV is superior for weighted solving, while Polosat is better for unwegihted solving. (2) Detailing TT-Open-WBO-Inc’s unweighted component, which has not been examined in prior work; (3) Showing that incorporating the local search solver SATLike [2] for preprocessing allows TT-Open-WBO-Inc to surpass the winners of MSE20 in all four incomplete tracks.


1 The code of the solvers we have used and instructions on how to reproduce our experiments are available at



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