Holographic Interferometric Visualization of the Richtmyer-Meshkov
Instability Induced by Cylindrical Shock Waves
Issue title: International Conference on Optical Technology
and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow, Yokohama, Japan,
December 1998
Affiliations: Shock Wave Research Center, Institute of Fluid
Science, Tohoku University 2-1-1, Katahira, Aoba, Sendai 980-8577, Japan
Abstract: Results of quantitative holographic interferometric flow
visualization of cylindrical interface instability induced by converging
cylindrical shock waves are reported. Experiments were conducted in an annular
vertical co-axial diaphragmless shock tube, in which cylindrical soap bubbles
filled with He, Ne, Air, Ar, Kr, Xe and SF_6 were co-axially placed in its test
section. Pressure histories at different radii during the shock wave implosion
and reflection from the center were measured. Diagnostic method base on double
exposure holographic interferometry was applied for the measurement of
turbulent mixing zone at the interface. The observed cylindrical interfaces
were found to have a higher growth rate of turbulent mixing zone than that of
the plane shock / plane interface.