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New Journal Section: Hidden Gems from the Literature of Parkinson’s Disease

As a new feature of the Journal of Parkinson’s Disease, the Editors announce the section for “Hidden Gems”, under the expert guidance of Section Editor Peter A. LeWitt, MD. The goal is to highlight older publications worthy of special attention for the contemporary readership. We are seeking your advice and submissions to re-discover, for your colleagues, those articles that you feel have been impactful and perhaps in need of an update. Submitted essays for this section should be no longer than 1,000 words. Although the focus can be upon a single publication (ideally, older than 20 years), an essay can review more than a single “hidden gem”. Since these submissions will be categorized as editorials, they will not incur a publication charge.

Submissions are welcome through the “Hidden Gems” category in the JPD submission portal. For any questions or proposals, please feel free to contact Section Editor Peter A. LeWitt, MD ().

The first edition, “Hidden Gems in the Neurological Literature of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy”, is available in this issue [1].



LeWitt PA ((2024) ) Hidden gems in the neurological literature of progressive supranuclear palsy. J Parkinsons Dis 14: , 639–642.