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ICANS XXIV Proceedings

Local organizing committee:

  • Chair: Sheng Wang

  • Members: Tianjiao Liang, Fangwei Wang, Wen Yin, Xin Tong, Xiao Li, Yanyan Wang, Boyang Gu, Liubing Yuan, Sihao Deng, Junying Shen, Renjun Yang, Yu Bao

The International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources (ICANS) is an informal network of laboratories gathering scientists and engineers involved in the development of pulsed neutron sources and accelerator-based spallation neutron sources. The collaboration was founded in 1977 as a forum to promote discussions and collaborative work, and to share information on three main topics: accelerators, targets and moderators, and instruments.

Fig. 1.

Photo of the ICANS XXIV participants.

Photo of the ICANS XXIV participants.

The 24th meeting of this network (ICANS XXIV) was held from the 29th October to the 3rd November 2023 in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, China. Sponsored by the China Spallation Neutron Source11 (CSNS), a large-scale scientific infrastructure constructed and operated by the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), ICANS XXIV has attracted more than 200 participants from France, Germany, Japan, Russia, UK, USA, Switzerland and China (Fig. 1).

Over 90 abstracts were submitted for presentations and posters. Extensive discussions took place during the conference on the following subjects: accelerator, targets and moderators, neutron and muon instruments (including instrument components and sample environments), operation, safety and Software. As usual, the ‘Target and moderator’ and ‘Instrument’ sessions attracted the most attentions (Fig. 2). Participants also enjoyed a tour of CSNS, visiting the accelerator tunnel and the target and instrument hall (Fig. 3). There were also visits to the Qing dynasty Keyuan garden, the China Chenxiang Agarwood Culture Museum and an authentic round table Chinese dinner. All the participants said they were very impressed by the facility and Chinese traditional culture.

Fig. 2.

Overview of two sessions at the conference site.

Overview of two sessions at the conference site.
Fig. 3.

Participants enjoying the tour of CSNS.

Participants enjoying the tour of CSNS.

Dr. Xin Tong (CSNS)

Co-editor of these proceedings