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Article type: Brief Report
Authors: Yamamoto, Kazamia; * | Moriya, Katsuhiroa | Okita, Hidefumia | Yamada, Ippeia | Chimura, Motokia | Saha, Pranab Kumara | Shobuda, Yoshihiroa | Tamura, Fumihikoa | Yamamoto, Masanobua | Morishita, Takatoshia | Hotchi, Hideakib | Liu, Yongb
Affiliations: [a] J-PARC Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai-mura, Ibaraki, Japan | [b] J-PARC Center, High-Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tokai-mura, Ibaraki, Japan
Correspondence: [*] Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected].
Abstract: The linac and the 3 GeV rapid-cycling synchrotron (RCS) at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) were designed to provide 1-MW proton beams to the following facilities. Due to the improvement of the accelerator system, we accelerated a 1-MW beam with a small beam loss. The lack of anode current in the radiofrequency (RF) cavity, rather than beam loss, limits the RCS beam power. Recently, we developed a new acceleration cavity that can accelerate a beam with a low anode current. This new cavity enables us to reduce the requirement for the anode power supply and accelerate a beam of more than 1 MW. We considered how to achieve beam acceleration beyond 1 MW. So far, a beam of up to 1.5 MW is expected to be accelerated after replacing the RF cavity. We also studied to achieve an up to 2 MW beam in J-PARC RCS.
DOI: 10.3233/JNR-240003
Journal: Journal of Neutron Research, vol. 26, no. 2-3, pp. 59-67, 2024
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