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Erratum to: GLDM: Geo-location prediction of twitter users with deep learning methods

College of Computer and Information Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

In the published article titled “GLDM: Geo-location prediction of Twitter users with deep learning methods” (Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 45(2), pp. 2723–2734. there initially was an error in the spelling of one of the author’s names. The correct spelling of the second author’s name is Mourad Ykhlef, not Mourad Yklef as originally published. The authors acknowledge and sincerely apologize for this oversight.

The correct author list is as follows:

  • R. Al-Jamaan

  • M. Ykhlef

  • A. Alothaim

The citation should be corrected accordingly in all future references. The online file of the article has been correct to reflect this change in December 2023.

We appreciate the understanding of the readers and regret any inconvenience caused by this error.