Population dynamics of Piscicola Geometra
(Hirudinea:Rhynchobdellida) on Oreochromis Niloticus (Cichlidae) cultured in a
rainforest fish pond, South Eastern Nigeria
Affiliations: Department of Zoology, University of Uyo, Nigeria,
E-mail:[email protected]
Abstract: The distribution, abundance and intensity of the annelid worm,
Piscicola geometra(leeches) infecting Oreochromis niloticuscultured in a
rainforest fish pond, South Eastern Nigeria wasstudied over a 12 months period.
Three hundred fish were examined of which 48.3% were infected. Infection
occurred throughout the year, with a peak in February. Female fish had a
significantly higher intensity of infection(P<0.05) than males. There was a
clear seasonal periodicity in the degree of infection and the distribution of
the parasite exhibited an aggregated or contagious model of dispersion. There
was a significant positive correlation between the size of the fish and worm
Keywords: Piscicola geometra, pond, Oreochromis niloticus, population dynamics, parasites