Affiliations: Guangzhou Research Institute of Environmental
Protection, Guanzhou 510620, China. E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: The role of water pricing for managing water resources is widely
recognized in many areas of the world because of the increasing scarcity of
water resources, a high competition between water uses and environmental
degradation. Based on the analysis of cost of water, this paper explores which
types of cost should be reflected in the water pricing enhancing the
sustainability of water resources. The principle of full cost pricing in which
the cost should include supply cost, opportunity cost and externalities is
proposed as a means to achieve the sustainability of water resources. In a case
study of Beijing, low water price is analyzed as one reason for unsustainable
water consumption. Thus waterpricing justified is necessary and pressing. It is
proposed to justify water price in phased manner and eventually towards full
cost pricing. The assessment of impacts on water resources by raising water
price shows water pricing could alleviate the conflict between water supply and
demand. This paper concludes that water pricing can play an effective role in
enhancing the sustainability of water resources in Beijing.
Keywords: water resources, water price, cost, full cost pricing, sustainability, Beijing