Abstract: With technology scaling, power dissipation and localized heating in
global and semi-global bus wires are becoming increasingly important. One way
to mitigate these effects is to ensure uniform switching of bus wires. This
prevents the unusual heating of some wires causing gradients, leading to
various undesired effects. Thermal Spreading has shown to be a successful
approach to bus temperature minimization. The idea at the basis of this
technique is that of periodically permuting the routing of input bitstreams to
the various bus lines, with the objective of temporally and spatially
distributing the number of transitions over the entire bus. This prevents high
switching activities from pertaining only to a few lines which causes an
unnatural increase in temperature. In this paper, we propose new encoding
schemes which improve the capability of the Thermal Spreading approach of
balancing switching activities over the bus wires. The solutions we introduce
are adaptive and dynamic in nature, as they select the bitstream and it's
appropriate bus line based on online monitoring of actual bus traffic. This is
possible thanks to some ad-hoc hardware unit running in parallel at the
transmitting and receiving ends of the bus. Our experimental results show that,
on average, the proposed encoding schemes improve the transition balancing
capabilities of Thermal Spreading by a significant amount.