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Effects of cultivars and coco-substrates on soilless strawberry production in Cyprus


This experiment was conducted to generate up-to-date, practical and location specific information for soilless strawberry production in Cyprus. Commercial ‘fresh’ strawberry plants (Fragaria × ananassa Duch) of three cultivars (‘Camarosa’, ‘Festival’, and ‘Ventana’) were cultivated from October 2010 to June 2011, using coco-substrates from three different brands (BVB, Wonder Soil, Pelemix) in a 2 levels-pyramid layout. Harvesting started in January and lasted until June. The total yield obtained was similar in all cultivars and of about 439 g plant−1. However, with ‘Ventana’ and ‘Festival’ ‘extra’ category fruits and berry mass were advanced. Early yield (Jan–April) was higher in‘Festival’compared with‘Camarosa’and ‘Ventana’ was in between. Amount of water consumed to produce one kg of fruit fresh weight (WUE), was lower in ‘Ventana’ and ‘Festival’ compared to ‘Camarosa’. No differences were observed in productive characteristics, early yield and WUE according to the substrate. Regarding quality, fruits of ‘Festival’ and ‘Ventana’ retained higher soluble solids to acid ratio, where as fruits of ‘Camarosa’ performed higher levels of bioactive compounds. The results from this study suggest ‘Festival’ and ‘Ventana’ as interesting alternative cultivars.