Keyword Index Volume 8 (2016)
AALuis 125
accelerometers 681
access control 467
activity classification 681
activity modelling 47
activity recognition 87, 399
activity segmentation 259
adaptive robotics 5
advances 489
agents 219
Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) 87, 109, 149, 243, 383, 399, 423, 565, 619
Ambient Intelligence 287, 301, 489, 491
Ambient Intelligence systems 619
archaeological site 501
artificial intelligence 603
assisted living 273
asynchronous communication 205
augmented maps 515
augmented reality 21, 501, 515
automatic feature selection 681
batch and stream processing 63
behaviour recognition 259
benchmark 645
Bluetooth 205
Body Sensor Networks 681
camera network tracking 189
capacitive proximity sensors 645
cloud robotics 347
clustering 437
collaborative work 325
complete region coverage navigation (CRCN) 603
computer vision 21, 243
concept 697
constraint verification 723
context 63, 697, 697
context-adaptation 723
cultural heritage 501
data access control 619
data mining 287
design prediction 709
deterministic 109
diabetes 219
Doppler radar 453
drones 551
e-Health 79
e-health services 47
Eduroam 35
elder care 273, 453
empirical 109
empirical model 205
energy management 583
Energy Storage Systems 287
EvAAL 243
evaluation 149
expert systems 219
fall detection 149, 453
field of view 501
fingerprint 109
footstep location estimation 665
future visions 491
gait speed 273
Gaussian process 359
generalized linear models 437
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus 219
group navigation 515
health services for the aged 273
hidden Markov model 259
holonic system 325
human activity recognition 423
human perception 5
human-robot interaction 5, 21, 359
hybrid board game 531
image understanding 423
IMM filter 169
indoor 109
Indoor Air Quality 359
indoor localization 243
intelligence 491
intelligent applications 63
Intelligent Environment (IE) 35, 467
interactive objects 531
interface design preferences 709
Internet of Things 565
Kinect 169
latency 205
learning of action patterns 423
localization 109
logical object-oriented interaction 565
machine-learning 583, 681
Markov Logic Network 399
MFCC 453
middleware 583
mild cognitive impairment 437
mobile maps 515
mobile services 551
model slicing 723
modeling 645
motion and tracking 423
multi-agent design 325
multi-object tracking 189
multichannel Wiener filter 665
neural networks 87
normative trace-based system 325
occlusion 501
ontology 35, 47, 287
open data 347
Personal Health Systems 219
personality and design 709
pervasive computing 697
pervasive gaming 531
positioning 109
privacy 79, 467, 619
Privacy by Design (PbD) 619
Privacy Enhancing Technology (PET) 619
privacy preservation 619
pulse-coupled neural network (PCNN) 603
raycasting 501
reference 697
remote tangible interaction 325
Reservoir Computing 87
retrospective 491
robotics 21, 383
room activity distributions 437
scalability 63
scatternet 205
security 79
semantic interoperability 47
semantic web 301
semantics 565
sensor data fusion 87
sensor networks 301
sensor technology 645
service logics 565
service robot 359
sign comparison test 169
similarity 35, 697
smart city 347
smart environments 347, 551, 645
smart gateway 583
smart grids 301
smart home 47, 259, 399
smart spaces 79
Statistical Relational Learning 399
streaming data 467
SWRL 287
system architecture 583
tangible user interface 531
tele-monitoring 273
telemedicine 219
testbed 5
tourism 515
ubiquitous computing 491, 531
ubiquitous robotics 5
universAAL 125
UAV 347
unobtrusive sensing technologies 437
user experience assessment 169
user interaction 125, 709
user interface generation 125
user profiling 35
user study 383
vacuum cleaner robot 603
variational method 189
video surveillance 149, 273
virtual window 169
vision 489
vision-based navigation 21
VOC distribution modeling 359
wearable sensors 79
web services 301
wide area monitoring 189
wireless acoustic sensor network 665
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) 79, 87
ZigBee 109