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Preface to JAISE 16(3)

1.This issue

This thematic issue of JAISE is focused on “Sensing, decision-making and economic impact for next-generation technologies” and the selection and review of its articles have been supervised by our guest editors Miguel Hornos and Víctor Manuel Zamudio Rodríguez, whom we thank for their service. Each of the five articles selected for this issue offers an insight into the application of intelligent technologies in a different domain and contributes to the growing field of Ambient Intelligence applications which are generally developed based on the integration of a sensing system with a smart decision-making process. By also considering the feasibility of deployment and applicability of the intended technology solution, as well as examining the potentials to enhance their efficiency, reduce costs, and optimize resource management in these solutions, the articles in this thematic issue aim to motivate further development effort to bring effective and efficient applications to this rapidly expanding field. The last article in this issue is selected as editor’s choice and has been made freely available.

2.Upcoming issues

The following is a list of upcoming issues of JAISE:

  • December 2024: Regular Issue.

  • March 2025: Thematic Issue on “Advancements in Activity Recognition for Intelligent Environments”.

  • June 2025: Regular Issue.

More information on the call for papers to the future issues is available on the webpage of JAISE at: