Acknowledgment of JAISE reviewers
Over the past ten years of its life, our Journal has been supported by a large number of colleagues who contributed with their time and expertise to assess the quality of the submissions to JAISE and helped decide which papers qualify to be published. These reviewers are an important part of the JAISE community and we would like to explicitly thank all of them for their valuable contributions.
The effort of reviewers often remains unnoticed in the community served by a journal, especially in a blind review system. Since five years ago, we have been acknowledging the participation of our reviewers in the making of JAISE.
As a second step towards making our gratitude explicit and highlighting the importance of the contributions made by our reviewers, we have also implemented the practice of selecting two reviewers each year who have consistently provided detailed and quality reviews and inviting them to serve as part of the Editorial Board of JAISE.
The list of reviewers in 2018 includes:11
Nebil Achour, Murad Ali, Leonardo Angelini, Arshia Azam Azam, Erwin Bakker, Marc Bohlen, Olivier Boissier, Jacques Boonaert, Bert den Brinker, Victor Callaghan, Jose Manuel Cano-Garcia, Davide Carneiro, Mehmet Celenk, Wei Chen, Stefano Chessa, Jeannette Chin, Sook-Ling Chua, Filippo Ciarapica, Gabriele Civitarese, Pau Climent-Perez, Stephen Czarnuch, Andreea Danielescu, Boris de Ruyter, Flávia Delicato, Simon Donne, Aldo Franco Dragoni, Robin Effing, Atis Elsts, Pedro Faria, Mainaz Faridi, João Filipe Ferreira, Matjaz Gams, Ruipeng Gao, Chenjie Ge, Claudio Gennaro Kalliopi Giannakopoulou, Ekaterina Gilman, Carles Gomez, Phillip Griffin, Irene Gu, Micha Haas, Pervez Hameed Shaikh, Raul Herrera-Acuna, Mike Hobbs, Minsung Hong, Peizhao Hu, Alexandros Iosifidis, Vito Janko, Jason J. Jung, Ozgur Kafali, Saskia Kelders, Shehroz Khan, Javed Khan, Luk Knapen, Tine Kolenik, Maria Korozi, Joaquín Lasheras, Francesco Leotta, Wei Li, Ying Liao, Xi Long, Gabriel Lopez-Morteo, K.S. Lui, Andrew Lui, Xin Ma, Marco Manca, Raquel Martinez, Raquel Martínez-España, Miha Mlakar, Duc Nguyen, Paulo Novais, HeeJong Park, Parvaneh Parvin, Thinagaran Perumal, Eckhard Pfluegel, Tiago Pinto, Johannes Pittermann, Bastien Poggi, Francois Portet, Domenico Potena, Andrea Prati, Yuanyuan Qiao, Mario Quinde, Vitomir Radosavljevic, Suneth Ranasinghe, Alicia Rebollar, Nina Rescic, Vera Rimmer, Dulce Riverro-Albarran, Dario Salvi, Veralia Gabriela Sanchez, José Santa, Victor Sempere, Caifeng Shan, Gasper Slapnicar, Petros Spachos, Cosmin Stamate, Araz Taeihagh, Vincent Tam, Warner ten Kate, Lisette Van Gemert Pijnen, Mario Vega Barbas, Kang Wang, Jun Xie, Joe Yuen, Ozasa Yuko, Yixiao Yun, Victor Zamudio, Nikola Zaric, Eftim Zdravevski, Tongda Zhang, Feiran Zhang, Yanxia Zhang, Juergen Ziegler, Jernej Zupancic.
JAISE Editors-in-Chief
Hamid Aghajan
Juan Carlos Augusto
JAISE Associate Editors
Aki Härmä
Kevin I-Kai Wang
1 Names appear as they have been entered in the system.