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Erratum to: Explaining rifle shooting factors through multi-sensor body trackingJonatan Flyckt, Filip Andersson, Florian Westphal, Andreas Månsson and Niklas Lavesson

[Intelligent Data Analysis, 27(2) (2023), 535-554, 10.3233/IDA-216457]

The affiliation of Niklas Lavesson should be: Department of Software Engineering, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden.

Therefore, the correct updated list of authors and their affiliation is:

Jonatan Flyckta, Filip Anderssona, Florian Westphala, Andreas Månssonb and Niklas LavessoncaDepartment of Computing, Jönköping University, Jönköping, SwedenbSaab AB, Training and Simulation, Huskvarna, Sweden cDepartment of Software Engineering, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden