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Author Index Volume 36 (2016)

Auer, S., see Ghavimi, B. (3,4) 171–187

Beasley, G., Article processing charges: A new route to open access? (3,4) 163–170

Belter, C.W., see King, J. (1,2) 73– 80

Bingert, S. and S. Buddenbohm, Research data centre services for complex software environments in the humanities (3,4) 189–202

Bravo, E., see Mabile, L. (3,4) 133–146

Buddenbohm, S., see Bingert, S. (3,4) 189–202

Bura, S., AI and the future of operating systems (1,2) 127–131

Burns, B., see King, J. (1,2) 73– 80

Cambon-Thomsen, A., see Mabile, L. (3,4) 133–146

Choudhury, G.S., Data management at scale (1,2) 27– 33

Dancy-Scott, N., A. Williams-Livingston, A. Plumer, G.A. Dutcher and E.R. Siegel, Enhancing the capacity of community organizations to evaluate HIV/AIDS information outreach: A pilot experiment in expert consultation (3,4) 217–230

Davis, M., see King, J. (1,2) 73– 80

De Castro, P., see Mabile, L. (3,4) 133–146

de Waard, A., Research data management at Elsevier: Supporting networks of data and workflows (1,2) 49– 55

Dutcher, G.A., see Dancy-Scott, N. (3,4) 217–230

Federer, L., Research data management in the age of big data: Roles and opportunities for librarians (1,2) 35– 43

Gardner, T., see Inger, S. (1,2) 81– 97

Ghavimi, B., P. Mayr, C. Lange, S. Vahdati and S. Auer, A semi-automatic approach for detecting dataset references in social science texts (3,4) 171–187

Grandell, T., Visual information discovery (1,2) 57– 63

Grant, C., Supporting a Passion for New Ideas through Open APIs (1,2) 65– 72

Hlava, M.M.K., The data you have…Tomorrow’s information business (1,2) 119–125

Inger, S. and T. Gardner, How readers discover content in scholarly publications (1,2) 81– 97

Jones, S., see Loizides, F. (3,4) 211–214

Joseph, H., The evolving U.S. policy environment for open research data (1,2) 45– 48

King, J., C.W. Belter, B. Burns and M. Davis, Creating value at the National Institutes of Health (1,2) 73– 80

Kulawik, B., Why and how to avoid complex non-free software in Digital Humanities projects (3,4) 203–210

Kutz LL.M., A., SCOAP3 – Towards a second phase (3,4) 159–162

Lange, C., see Ghavimi, B. (3,4) 171–187

Lawlor, B., An overview of the NFAIS 2016 Annual Conference: Data sparks discovery of tomorrow’s global knowledge (1,2) 3– 21

Loizides, F. and S. Jones, A methodology for digitally exploring electronic publication content (3,4) 211–214

Mabile, L., P. De Castro, E. Bravo, B. Parodi, M. Thomsen, S. Moore and A. Cambon-Thomsen, Towards new tools for bioresource use and sharing (3,4) 133–146

Magnier, P., A smart access to global innovation networks (1,2) 113–117

Marcum, D.B., Library leadership for the digital age (1,2) 105–111

Mayr, P., see Ghavimi, B. (3,4) 171–187

Miller, S., Preparing the next generation for the cognitive era (1,2) 23– 25

Moore, S., see Mabile, L. (3,4) 133–146

Parodi, B., see Mabile, L. (3,4) 133–146

Plumer, A., see Dancy-Scott, N. (3,4) 217–230

Siegel, E.R., see Dancy-Scott, N. (3,4) 217–230

Stone, G., Sustaining the growth of library scholarly publishing in a New University Press (3,4) 147–158

Testa, J., A view from Web of Science: Journals, articles, impact (1,2) 99–104

Thomsen, M., see Mabile, L. (3,4) 133–146

Vahdati, S., see Ghavimi, B. (3,4) 171–187

Williams-Livingston, A., see Dancy-Scott, N. (3,4) 217–230