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Author Index Volume 35 (2015)

Altman, M. and M. Avery, Information wants someone else to pay for it: Laws of information economics and scholarly publishing (1,2) 57– 70

Anderson, K., Peer review – A publisher value-add? Or essential to the scientific communication system? (3) 171–174

Archer, P., Putting data at the heart of the Open Web (3) 175–179

Avery, M., see Altman, M. (1,2) 57– 70

Berger, W., see Holden, L. (1,2) 141–160

Buchanan, G., see Loizides, F. (4) 259–271

Camlek, V., Professional medical social networks: An evolving source of professional knowledge and content (1,2) 77– 87

Clivaz, C., C. Pache, M. Rivoal and M. Sankar, Multimodal literacies and academic publishing: The eTalks (4) 251–258

Collins, T., Library evolution, trends and the road ahead from the EBSCO lens (1,2) 99–107

De Castro, P., The OpenAIRE2020 FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot: Implementing a European-wide funding initiative for Open Access publishing costs (4) 235–241

de Kemp, A., Web25: The Road Ahead, 20–21 January 2015 (3) 161–162

Dimchev, A. and R. Stefanov, Is there a need for change in scientific communication and can open access take on this role? (4) 217–233

Dobreva, M. and B. Schmidt, Preface (4) 207–210

Holden, L., W. Berger, R. Zingarelli and E. Siegel, After-School Program for urban youth: Evaluation of a health careers course in New York City high schools (1,2) 141–160

Humphreys, A., Really, really rapid prototyping: Flash builds and user-driven innovation at JSTOR Labs (1,2) 71– 75

Kenneally, C., J. Russell, M. Whittaker and B.F. O’Leary, Panel discussion: Satisfying user demands and the impact on policy (1,2) 117–134

Koch, W., The future of academic publishing: The chemists’ point of view (1,2) 137–140

Lawlor, B., An overview of the NFAIS 2015 Annual Conference: Anticipating Demand: The User Experience as Driver (1,2) 3– 22

Lawrence, K., Today’s college students: Skimmers, scanners and efficiency-seekers (1,2) 89– 93

Leetaru, K.H., Mining libraries: Lessons learned from 20 years of massive computing on the world’s information (1,2) 31– 50

Leetaru, K.H., The user of the future: Reimagining how we think about information (1,2) 23– 29

Loizides, F., G. Buchanan and K. Mavri, Theory and practice in visual interfaces for semi-structured document discovery and selection (4) 259–271

Marra, M., Professional social networks among Italian astrophysicists. Prospective changes in validation and dissemination practices? (4) 243–249

Mavri, K., see Loizides, F. (4) 259–271

Montagano, P., Analyzing usage: Visualizing end-user workflows to drive product development (1,2) 95– 98

Nisheva-Pavlova, M., D. Shukerov and P. Pavlov, Design and implementation of a social semantic digital library (4) 273–284

O’Leary, B.F., see Kenneally, C. (1,2) 117–134

Pache, C., see Clivaz, C. (4) 251–258

Pavlov, P., see Nisheva-Pavlova, M. (4) 273–284

Pritsker, M., How video publication of laboratory experiments will solve the reproducibility problem: The Journal of Visualized Experiments (3) 181–184

Pulverer, B., Data accessibility and reproducibility: Moving to transparent publishing in the biosciences (3) 185–188

Ramjoué, C., Towards Open Science: The vision of the European Commission (3) 167–170

Rinaldo, C.A., see Smith, J.E. (4) 211–216

Rivoal, M., see Clivaz, C. (4) 251–258

Russell, J., see Kenneally, C. (1,2) 117–134

Sankar, M., see Clivaz, C. (4) 251–258

Schmidt, B., see Dobreva, M. (4) 207–210

Schumann, L. and W.G. Stock, Acceptance and use of ubiquitous cities’ information services (3) 191–206

Shukerov, D., see Nisheva-Pavlova, M. (4) 273–284

Shumaker, D., Caught in the middle: Scholars, publishers, librarians and information revolutions today and tomorrow (1,2) 51– 56

Siegel, E., see Holden, L. (1,2) 141–160

Smith, J.E. and C.A. Rinaldo, Collaborating on open science: The journey of the Biodiversity Heritage Library (4) 211–216

Stefanov, R., see Dimchev, A. (4) 217–233

Stock, W.G., see Schumann, L. (3) 191–206

Stoliartchouk, A., see Teytelman, L. (1,2) 109–115

Teytelman, L. and A. Stoliartchouk, Reducing the knowledge that perishes because we do not publish it (1,2) 109–115

Whittaker, M., see Kenneally, C. (1,2) 117–134

Zingarelli, R., see Holden, L. (1,2) 141–160