Abstract: Dental decay is the most prevalent chronic disease among both
children and adults in the U.S. The Surgeon General's Report on Oral Health
found that there had been marked improvement in oral health in many Americans
over the last 50 years and that good oral health could be achieved by all
Americans largely due to the presence of safe and effective interventions to
prevent and control oral disease However, recent national data suggest that
several disparities in dental care exist. In this chapter, we present a model
of the dental health system as well as key differences with the general medical
health system. We further discuss the major issues that the dental care
delivery system will have to address in order to ensure that all Americans have
access to effective interventions to prevent and control disease in an
environment of decreasing supply of dentists per capita and potentially
increasing demand. We then discuss strategies and policies to address these
emerging issues in the context of this model. Finally, we conclude with
suggestions on how engineering techniques could be used to improve the system.