Affiliations: Enterprise Computing Research Group, Northern Ireland Knowledge Engineering Laboratory, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland, UK
Note: [] Corresponding author: Kevin Curran, Enterprise Computing
Research Group, Northern Ireland Knowledge Engineering Labo-ratory, University
of Ulster, Magee Campus, Northern Ireland, BT48 7JL, UK. Tel.: +44 (0) 28 7137
5565; Fax: +44 (0) 28 7137 5470; E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: As the demand for legal services increases and the Internet
threatens to dominate as a general research and business tool, two related
challenges are presented to the Information Technology and Legal Communities:
The provision of easy to use services/applications which are cost-effective to
develop and which improve the efficiency of the lawyer's research task; Finding
effective means of making such services widely and publicly available across
the Internet. This paper demonstrates in the first instance how such services
might be created by building on lessons learnt from an investigation into
current legal applications. Secondly it examines those technologies
that offer an appealing means of realising the second goal above, with the
eventual goal of describing the framework of an application provides the basis
for meeting both challenges.