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Editorial: Jan Krabbenbos, Videogames, CG 2022 and the 2022 WCCC

We sadly have to announce the passing of Jan Krabbenbos. He served as the tournament director of the last World Computer Chess Championships (WCCC) and wrote many reports for the ICGA journal. The last report he contributed to, together with Jonathan Schaeffer, is published in this issue and it is about the 2022 WCCC. In this issue you will also find A Tribute to Jan Krabbenbos (1964–2022) written by Jaap van den Herik.

The scientific contribution to this issue is Automated videogame mechanics generation with XVGDL by Jorge Ruiz-Quiñones and Antonio J. Fernández-Leiva. It is about procedural content generation for videogames. It takes inspiration from the Ludii system and applies the same kind of ideas to generate videogame mechanics. Instead of using GDL or the Ludii game specification language it uses XVGDL, an XML-based videogame description language. A Genetic Programming algorithm is used to evolve trees which represent the games mechanics.

Cameron Browne, Akihiro Kishimoto, and Jonathan Schaeffer report on the Computers and Games (CG 2022) Conference which was held online in November 2022.

The last contribution is the last SSDF rating list of 2022.

Tristan Cazenave