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Erratum to: Comprehensive analysis and establishment of a prognostic model based on non-genetic predictors in multiple myeloma

Weiguo Lu, Shumin Xu, Sui Tan, Lu Lu, Man Luo and Mingfeng Xiao

[Cancer Biomarkers, 38(1) (2023), 49-59, 10.3233/CBM-220451]

When this article was first published, the affiliation for Sui Tan was inadvertently incorrect. The correct affiliation of all authors is given below.

The correct updated list of authors and their affiliation is as follows:

Weiguo Lua, Shumin Xua, Sui Tanb, Lu Luc, Man Luoa and Mingfeng Xiaoa,aThe First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou, Guangdong, Chinab Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou, Guangdong, ChinacThe First People’s Hospital of Kashgar, Xinjiang, China