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Methods and significance of the combined detection of HER2 gene amplification and chemosensitivity in gastric cancerYang-Kun Wang, Su-Nan Wang, Ying-Ying Li, Gong-Ping Wang, Tian Yun, Chao-Ya Zhu, Bin-Feng Yang, Cong-Yang Li, Bo Jiang and Mei-Ling Zhu[Cancer Biomarkers21(2), 2018, 439–447, DOI 10.3233/CBM-170671] page 439, the author affiliation of Dr. Yang-Kun Wang is incorrect. The correct author affiliations are:Yang-Kun Wanga, Su-Nan Wangb, Ying-Ying Lib, Gong-Ping Wangc, Tian Yund, Chao-Ya Zhud, Bin-Feng Yangd, Cong-Yang Lie, Bo Jiange and Mei-Ling Zhua,*aDepartment of Pathology, Shenzhen Baoan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Group), Shenzhen 518133, Guangdong, ChinabShenzhen Polytechnic, School of Electronic and Communication Engineering, Shenzhen 518055, Guangdong, ChinacDepartment of Gastrointestinal Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471003, Henan, ChinadDepartment of Pathology, 150 Hospital of Luoyang, Luoyang 471031, Henan, ChinaeDepartment of Pathology, The 152 Hospital of Pingdingshan, Pingdingshan 467000, Henan, ChinaThe online file has been updated to reflect these changes.