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Simultaneous Exercise and Cognitive Training in Virtual Reality Phase 2 Pilot Study: Impact on Brain Health and Cognition in Older Adults

[Brain Plasticity 7(2), 2021, 111-130, DOI 10.3233/BPL210126]

On page 118, in the second line of Table 2, next to “Characteristics”, N is incorrectly given as 2. The correction is N= 12.

Table 2

Participant demographics and physical characteristics

CharacteristicsN = 12
Age (year)65±8.8
Gender, n8 F
Race, n
  African American
Education (year)17±2
Weight (Ibs)166±25
Body fat (%)31±9
Blood pressure
Physical activity (mins/day)a

Mean, standard deviation, minimum, and maximum values are shown. Physical activity measurements were recorded using a GENEActiv accelerometer. Light, moderate, and vigorous physical activity levels were defined according to 30, 100, and 200 mg threshold levels, respectively. The reported values represent the average number of minutes in which accelerometer measurements were greater than the light/moderate/vigorous activity thresholds for at least 80% of a 1-minute bout [64]. aOne participant excluded due to missing accelerometer data.