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Need help? Please fill in our contact form or contact us through our social media accounts (see footer).

Consult our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) pdf for instructions on how to navigate this site and the SAMS subscriber services.


Access through IP recognition
If your institution has access via IP, your IP address will be recognized and you can access our journals via your institution’s network. 

Access through username and password (including admin accounts)
You have received a notification email that includes your username and temporary password with which you can reactivate your account. You don’t need to register again.

Please note that there are two login environments:
- one for personalization accounts (to set up alerts) through
- one for institutional admin accounts for subscriber services on

Access problems? Just contact us through with your details (name, institution, email address associated with the account, which subscription/package).


Contact us through if you have any questions or need help obtaining your usage statistics.


The new journal platform will offer more personalized alerting options. You can save your searches, receive email alerts, save articles, export batched citations and more. Our website is highly intuitive, but if you need help, just contact us through

IP ranges

Requests for changes to IP ranges can be sent through

Please note that we can only accept specific IP addresses or ranges. To prevent IP identification errors, general IP addresses containing (*.*.) need to be specified as a range.