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Biomedical Spectroscopy and Imaging - Volume 4, issue 4

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Price: EUR 110.00
This journal has been discontinued. Volume 10  was the last complete volume of   Biomedical Spectroscopy and Imaging .

Biomedical Spectroscopy and Imaging (BSI) is a multidisciplinary journal devoted to the timely publication of basic and applied research that uses spectroscopic and imaging techniques in different areas of life science including biology,  biochemistry, biotechnology, bionanotechnology, environmental science, food science, pharmaceutical science, physiology and medicine. Scientists are encouraged to submit their work for publication in the form of original articles, brief communications, rapid communications, reviews and mini-reviews.
The journal is dedicated to providing a single forum for experts in spectroscopy and imaging as applied to biomedical problems, and also for life scientists who use these powerful methods for advancing their research work.  BSI aims to promote communication, understanding and synergy across the diverse disciplines that rely on spectroscopy and imaging. It also encourages the submission of articles describing development of new devices and technologies, based on spectroscopy and imaging methods, for application in diverse areas including medicine, biomedical science, biomaterials science, environmental science, pharmaceutical science, proteomics, genomics, metabolomics, microbiology, biotechnology, genetic engineering, nanotechnology, etc.

Biomolecular fingerprinting in the dried state

Price: EUR 27.50
Price: EUR 27.50
Price: EUR 27.50
Price: EUR 27.50
Price: EUR 27.50

Author Index Volume 4 (2015)

Keyword Index Volume 4 (2015)