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Assistive technology to monitor activity, health and wellbeing in old age: The wrist wearable unit in the USEFIL project


This paper presents the assistive technology used to perform activity monitoring in the USEFIL (Unobtrusive Smart Environments for Independent Living) project, particularly the wrist wearable unit. USEFIL includes a number of activity monitoring devices alongside some condition specific medical devices, a dedicated electronic health record database and communication backend. The system is designed as an assistive technology to provide long-term monitoring for older people in their own home and communicate the data that is gathered into a decision support system that can be used by the older person's carers to improve their care and allow them to remain independent in their own home. The wrist wearable device developed for the USEFIL project, the various health indicators extracted from its inbuilt sensors and how these are used to understand the health and wellbeing of the older person are discussed in this paper.