Abstract: Publicity has always been the most effective way to make known a
product's virtues, highlighting the benefits of its frequent use and sustained
over time. Technological advances in communications have not done more than
enhance the advertiser professional and communicators skills to increasing the
drives (consumption habits) in users. The products used for health and most of
all pharmaceuticals have also followed this trend. Given this, the intervention
of the State in terms of regulations is necessary, to not only protect people,
but to provide them tools for choosing safe and responsibly the products they
will use for their health care. During the past 10 years, the important growth
of mass media that has taken place together with the complex technology by
which an advertising message can reach an addressee produced the effect of a
difficult control and monitoring of the advertising guideline by the State,
which is often unable to do so effectively due to scarce resources available. The implications of this complex context not only affect local jurisdictions in
terms of legislation, but also do so at the cross-border level through new
information and marketing channels, where ethical and self-regulatory aspects are truly important.
Keywords: Advertising as topic, legislation, Drug's information