Affiliations: Institute of Telecooperation, Johannes Kepler
University Linz, Altenberger Str. 69, A-4040 Linz, Austria. Tel.: +43
73224689238; Fax: +43 73224689829; E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: In ubiquitous environments a vast amount of mobile human and
software entities, each with limited resources and knowledge, needs to interact
with each other to achieve common and/or individual goals within a specific
context. Due to their autonomy, proactiveness, mobility, social capability, and
the successful implementation of agent mediated applications and services over
the Web, different scenarios have been proposed in literature for the use of
agents in ubiquitous environments for a wide range of applications such as user
interfaces, mobile computing, information retrieval and filtering, smart
messaging, telecommunication and m-commerce. In this paper, we address the
problem of modeling agents' interaction in ubiquitous environments. We argue
agents' interactions can be modeled using norms, which are represented
mathematically as zero set of n-variate functions. We utilize the barycentic
coordinates to show how agents should behave based on established protocols,
rules of conduct or accepted social practices.