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Article type: Research Article
Authors: Niu, Shanzhoua; b | Li, Shuoa | Huang, Shuyana | Liang, Lijinga | Tang, Sizhoua | Wang, Tinghuaa | Yu, Gaohangc | Niu, Tianyed | Wang, Jinge; * | Ma, Jianhuaf; *
Affiliations: [a] School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Gannan Normal University, Ganzhou, China | [b] Ganzhou Key Laboratory of Computational Imaging, Gannan Normal University, Ganzhou, China | [c] School of Science, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, China | [d] Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, Shenzhen, China | [e] Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA | [f] School of Biomedical Engineering, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China
Correspondence: [*] Corresponding authors: Jing Wang, E-mail: [email protected] and Jianhua Ma, E-mail: [email protected].
Abstract: BACKGROUND:Dynamic cerebral perfusion CT (DCPCT) can provide valuable insight into cerebral hemodynamics by visualizing changes in blood within the brain. However, the associated high radiation dose of the standard DCPCT scanning protocol has been a great concern for the patient and radiation physics. Minimizing the x-ray exposure to patients has been a major effort in the DCPCT examination. A simple and cost-effective approach to achieve low-dose DCPCT imaging is to lower the x-ray tube current in data acquisition. However, the image quality of low-dose DCPCT will be degraded because of the excessive quantum noise. OBJECTIVE:To obtain high-quality DCPCT images, we present a statistical iterative reconstruction (SIR) algorithm based on penalized weighted least squares (PWLS) using adaptive prior image constrained total generalized variation (APICTGV) regularization (PWLS-APICTGV). METHODS:APICTGV regularization uses the precontrast scanned high-quality CT image as an adaptive structural prior for low-dose PWLS reconstruction. Thus, the image quality of low-dose DCPCT is improved while essential features of targe image are well preserved. An alternating optimization algorithm is developed to solve the cost function of the PWLS-APICTGV reconstruction. RESULTS:PWLS-APICTGV algorithm was evaluated using a digital brain perfusion phantom and patient data. Compared to other competing algorithms, the PWLS-APICTGV algorithm shows better noise reduction and structural details preservation. Furthermore, the PWLS-APICTGV algorithm can generate more accurate cerebral blood flow (CBF) map than that of other reconstruction methods. CONCLUSIONS:PWLS-APICTGV algorithm can significantly suppress noise while preserving the important features of the reconstructed DCPCT image, thus achieving a great improvement in low-dose DCPCT imaging.
Keywords: DCPCT reconstruction, PWLS, total generalized variation, prior image
DOI: 10.3233/XST-240104
Journal: Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology, vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 1429-1447, 2024
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