Soaring Interfaces, Vortices and Vortex Systems inside the
Internal Waves Wake Past the Horizontally Moving Cylinder in a Continuously
Stratified Fluid
Affiliations: Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics, Institute for Problems
in Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 119526, prospect Vernadskogo
101/1, Moscow, Russia
Abstract: The flow pattern around a horizontal cylinder towed at constant
velocity along isopycnic plane in a continuously stratified liquid is
visualized by conventional techniques of "Vertical
slit-Foucault's knife",
"Maksoutov's slit-thread" and
"horizontal slit-regular grating". Using sensitive
high-resolution methods allows detail studying such component of stratified
flow structures as soaring interfaces, singular soaring vortices and vortex
systems, which arise directly inside the internal waves field past the
cylinder. These flow elements having high level of vorticity are separated from
the downstream wake by a strip of fluid without any small-scale
inhomogeneities. Formation of singular vortex dipoles on leading edges of
soaring interfaces is investigated in details in a wide range of flow