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Cardiovascular Autonomic Dysfunction in Animal Models of Parkinson's Disease


Cardiovascular autonomic dysfunction is a common non-motor symptom associated with synucleinopathies such as Parkinson's disease (PD). Several recent clinical studies indicate that cardiovascular autonomic impairments including orthostatic hypotension and sympathetic denervation may precede the development of the cardinal motor symptoms in PD, making cardiovascular dysfunction an attractive target for the development of biomarkers for early detection and potential neuroprotective strategies for PD. However, the pathologic mechanisms underlying cardiovascular dysfunction as well as many of the non-motor symptoms in PD remain unknown. This is likely due, in part, to an initial under-appreciation of PD as a systemic disorder as well as limited research in cardiovascular dysfunction in animal models of PD. Here, we highlight studies that have investigated cardiovascular dysfunction in rodent models of PD and the potential usefulness of genetic mouse models of PD for this endeavor.