Keyword Index Volume 7 (2015)
8021.11 fingerprinting 315
accelerometer 221, 563
activity recognition 171
adaptation 171
adaptation to the person 171
Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS) 461
adaptive service front-ends 701
AEHS 231
affective computing applications 5, 59
affective experiences 99
affective profile 21
agent communication technologies 243
agent platforms 243
agents 187
aging-in-place 155
Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) 155, 287, 301, 329, 745
Ambient Intelligence 37, 133, 187, 271
answer set programming 579
arm posture recognition 563
aspect orientation 243
aspect-oriented programming 879
assistive robotics 617
assistive technologies 389
bag of visual words 817
Bayesian filter 353
behavior definition 511
benchmarking 693
biofeedback system 449
bonding 449
capacitive proximity sensing 483, 693
classification 271
cloud computing 231
clustering 201
cognitive disabilities 389
cognitive resource-aware ambient systems 37
collaboration 805
context prediction 805
context simulation 719
context-aware computing 415
context-aware user interfaces 701
context-awareness 879
coordinates based location 315
customization 511
daily activities 155
Decision Tree Pruning (DTP) 461
device interface and behavioral modeling 425
digital photography 99
do-it-yourself (DIY) 849
Domotic Effect Evaluation 133
Domotic Effects 133, 425
ecological approach to smart environments (EASE) 849
eldercare 375
embodied agent 121
emotion detection 5
emotion interpretation 5
emotional expression 99
end-user development 115
ephemeral social networking 21
ESTE-R scale 85
evaluation 301, 483
evaluation methodologies 329
event-based systems 511
experimentation 21
experimental testbed 563
explanations 187
eye tracking 115
facial expression recognition 59
facial expressions 121
fall detection 861
fuzzy metric temporal logic 391
gait analysis 375
genetic algorithms 835
gesture recognition 535
GMM-Fisher 817
GPS 221
green attitude 115
group behavior 391
guidelines 483
handheld devices 243
haptic 761
health profiles 155
Hidden Markov Model (HMM) 461
high-level goals 425
higher level modeling 133
home assistance 861
human centric learning system 231
human factors in service computing 37
human robot interaction 397
human-computer interaction (HCI) 21, 115, 389, 719, 849
hybrid location 315
ICF 155
image-based localization 679
imitation 121
indoor localization 287, 745
indoor location within AAL environments 315
indoor navigation 353
indoor positioning 287
integration platform 5
intelligent device activation 425
intelligent environments (IE) 849
interaction 777
interaction analysis 391
interaction assessment 397
interactive tabletop 511
interface design 21
Internet of Things 243
keyword context awareness 805
Kinect 563
Kinect skeletal joint data 861
KLT RANSAC tracker 817
knowledge representation 579
landmarks 635
local positioning system 353
loneliness 85
mapping 617
MCAT – Multi Classifier Adaptive Training 171
media management 777
mediating 99
mimicry 121
mobile applications 535
mobile computing 389
mobile device 761, 777
mobile information system 415
modality repurposing 761
model checking 425
model-based user interface languages 701
monitoring smart environments 133
motion boundary activity areas 817
motion planning 617
multi-robot forest coverage 835
natural interaction 535
navigation 679
navigation assistant 659
non-monotonic reasoning 579
NP-complete 835
observational methods 397
obstacle detection and classification 659
older adults 85
ontologies 187
optimal dense trajectories 817
path planning 605
pattern recognition 271, 535
pedestrian navigation 415
pedestrian navigation system 635
personalized learning system 231
personalized route 605
pervasive computing 271
pervasive fall detection system 221
pervasive health 375
photograph 201
physiological signals 99
pitch 121
Prader-Willi syndrome 449
predictive models 85
preferences 635
pressure input 761
prototyping 693, 719
pseudo sensor 761
public health engineering 155
radio fingerprinting 563
real-time location systems 287
real-time processing 861
reasoning 187, 777
received signal strength 353
recognition of activities of daily living (ADL) 817
robotics 301
routing 635
rules 511
runtime adaptation 879
runtime performance 879
satisfiability problem 835
scenarios 155
semantic sensor ontology 579
semi-supervised learning 171
sensing basic and non-prototypical emotions 59
sensor array 375
sensor data fusion 745
sensor emulation 761
Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) 461
sensors 243
service based learning 231
service composition 37
signal processing 271
situation graph trees 391
smart classroom 271
smart environment 115, 187, 375, 449, 483, 511, 693
smart objects 535, 777
smart office 805
smart phone-based application 221
smart spaces 535, 777
smartphone 201
smartphone device 659
social robot 397
social signals 121
statecharts 425
stimulating interaction 449
structure from motion 679
study support 719
task management 605
time-of-flight 353
trained MLP 221
ultrasound 287
universAAL 329
unobtrusive service provisioning 37
user evaluation 635
user experience design (UX) 849
vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANET) 21
verification and validation 329
visual impaired mobility 659
visual language 511
visualization 201
visually impaired 679
warehouse picking system 701
wearable computing 115
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) 461
wireless sensor networks 287
Wizard of Oz 719
zone based location 315