IE’19 awards by JAISE
During the 15th edition of the International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE’19) held in Rabat (Morocco) last June, IOS Press rewarded several researchers by their attention to quality and the potential impact of their work. Prizes to the best contributions in the categories Best Full Paper and Best Short paper were supported by JAISE and the AISE book series.
The prize for the Best Full Paper consists of one year free subscription to JAISE and was kindly provided by IOS Press, the publisher of JAISE. The chairs of the conference directly based upon the judgment of the Program Committee unanimously decided to award the prize to the paper: “Remote Detection of Indoor Human Proximity using Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons” by Michele Girolami, Fabio Mavilia, Paolo Barsocchi, Filippo Palumbo and Stefano Chessa. Figure 1 shows Dr. Palumbo representing the authors receiving a certificate from the IOS Press representative Axana Scherbeijn, on the left JAISE co-Editor-in-Chief Prof. J.C. Augusto and on the right IE’19 General Chair Mounir Ghogho.
The prize for the Best Short Paper category contribution was awarded to: “Holistic Blockchain Approach to Trust, Privacy and Security in IoT based Ambient Assisted Living” by Akpanakak Henry Mkpa, Jeannette Chin and Andrain Winckles. Figure 2 shows Mr. Mkpa representing the authors receiving a certificate from the IOS Press representative Axana Scherbeijn, on the left AISE Editor-in-Chief Prof. J.C. Augusto and on the right IE’19 General Chair Mounir Ghogho.