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Effects of Folic Acid Combined with DHA Supplementation on Cognitive Function and Amyloid-β-Related Biomarkers in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment by a Randomized, Double Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial

IOS Press has retracted the following publication from its online content: Effects of Folic Acid Combined with DHA Supplementation on Cognitive Function and Amyloid-β-Related Biomarkers in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment by a Randomized, Double Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial

Dong Bai, Junting Fan, Mengyue Li, Cuixia Dong, Yiming Gao, Min Fu, Guowei Huang and Huan Liu

[Journal of Alzheimers Disease, 81(1) 2021, 155-167. DOI 10.3233/JAD-200997]

The editorial office was notified that the ethical approval and clinical trial registry issue in this paper was not of sufficient standard. In discussion with the authors it has been mutually decided that the paper in its current form needed to be retracted. The authors are given the chance to resubmit and undergo additional peer review, where they need to clarify the ethical approval and clinical trial registry issue to everyone’s satisfaction. At the time of re-review, peer reviewers could request a flow sheet for patient screening and enrollment and ask to look at subject level demographics data to ensure the study is independent from the earlier study, assuming any doubts about this issue remain.