University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
University of Alabama, USA
Address for correspondence Sylvie Mrug, 1720 2nd Ave S, CH 415, Birmingham, AL 35294, USA. E-mail: [email protected].
Abstract: This study examines individual and family predictors of disrespect sensitivity in urban adolescents. Seventy-five adolescents from Southeastern USA (95% African American, 52% female) participated in two waves of a longitudinal study (mean ages 16.1 and 17.8 years, SDs = 1.11). Youth reported on their disrespect sensitivity at both time points, as well as physical aggression and parental nurturance at Time 1. Parents reported on parental harsh discipline, household income, and highest level of education. Multiple regressions tested concurrent and longitudinal predictors of disrespect sensitivity. Physical aggression and older age predicted greater concurrent disrespect sensitivity. Physical aggression, lower family SES, and lower parental nurturance predicted greater disrespect sensitivity over time. The findings may help identify youth who are at risk to interpret ambiguous behavior as disrespectful, and in turn respond aggressively and become victimized. These youth may benefit from interventions to reduce disrespect sensitivity, which could be incorporated into existing violence prevention programs.
Keywords: Disrespect, aggression, African American adolescents