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DAISY: An opportunity to improve access to information for all


Since 1996 public library services for the visually impaired round the world work closely with the ITC and the publishing industry in the DAISY consortium ( towards international standards and technologies which are needed to improve access to information for the elderly and people with different reading disabilities.

The consortium's vision is “that all information, at time of release to the general population, be available in an accessible, highly functional, feature rich format and at no greater cost, to persons with print disabilities”.

DAISY (Digital Accessible Information System) is an open standard for multimedia publishing, the version 3 has already become a national standard in the United States DAISY/NISO 2005 Z3986. The DAISY XML applications DTBook (to structure content in a Digital Talking Book) and NCX (for navigating multimedia contents) are used in OPS (Open Publishing Structure) 2.0 V. 1.0, published in summer 2007 by the IDPF (International digital Publishing Forum,