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Resolving Rank Reversal in TOPSIS: A Comprehensive Analysis of Distance Metrics and Normalization Methods


This paper examines ranking reversal (RR) in Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) using the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). Through a mathematical analysis of min-max and max normalization techniques and distance metrics (Euclidean, Manhattan, and Chebyshev), the study explores their impact on RR, particularly when new, high-performing alternatives are introduced. This research provides insight into the causes of RR, offering a framework that clarifies when and why RR occurs. The findings help decision-makers select appropriate techniques, promoting more consistent and reliable outcomes in real-world MCDM applications.


Multiple-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) is a systematic approach used to make decisions in complex scenarios where multiple conflicting criteria or objectives need to be considered simultaneously. In many real-world situations, decisions cannot be made solely based on a single criterion; instead, multiple factors with different levels of importance and often incommensurable units need to be taken into account. MCDM provides a structured framework to evaluate and compare different alternatives in a way that reflects the preferences and priorities of decision makers.

During the MCDM process, the data representing different criteria might come in various formats, units, and scales. These criteria could include quantitative measurements like costs, benefits, or performance metrics, as well as qualitative factors like risk levels or expert opinions. Due to these differences, directly comparing and combining these criteria for decision-making purposes can be challenging and lead to misleading results. To deal with the problem, normalization has become a fundamental process in MCDM that enables decision makers to effectively compare and evaluate alternatives across multiple criteria (Pavličić, 2001). It generally supports the goal of making well-informed, objective, and consistent decisions that accurately reflect the preferences and priorities of decision makers.

Distance-based models in MCDM play a crucial role in quantifying the dissimilarity between alternatives, and the issue of rank reversal (RR) has drawn significant attention within this context. RR denotes a phenomenon where the rank order of alternatives undergoes a change due to alterations in the evaluated alternatives or related parameters. This phenomenon contradicts our intuitive expectations and is formally termed the axiom of independence of irrelevant alternatives (IIA) in the multi-attribute utility theory (von Winterfeldt and Edwards, 1986). Belton and Gear (1983) initially identified RR in the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), attributing it to AHP’s relative measurement mode. Salo and Hämäläinen (1997) extended this finding, linking RR to AHP’s mode of measurement. The Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), applied to MCDM, was later reported to exhibit RR by Triantaphyllou (2000). Subsequent debates in major operations research journals, including works by Saaty (1990a, 1990b, 1991), Saaty and Vargas (1984), Triantaphyllou (2001), and Kulakowski et al. (2019), further underscored the significance of RR.

TOPSIS stands out as a straightforward and intuitive method that accommodates both the positive and negative aspects of each alternative, making it a widely adopted approach in decision-making processes dealing with multiple, conflicting criteria. It has been still well received until recently, e.g. Biswas et al. (2024) and Kousar et al. (2024). Despite its popularity, TOPSIS is not immune to RR, although its occurrence is notably less pronounced compared to AHP (Zanakis et al., 1998). The RR phenomenon in TOPSIS arises from the sensitivity of the distance metric to variations in the attribute values of alternatives. The normalization process in TOPSIS involves dividing the performance values by their respective weights. Furthermore, the choice of distance metrics and the determination of the positive-ideal solution (PIS) and negative-ideal or anti-negative solution (NIS) can introduce subjectivity, influencing the final rankings. Therefore, careful consideration of these factors is crucial to mitigate the RR problem and enhance the robustness of the TOPSIS method in decision-making processes.

To address the issue of RR, previous researchers such as Senouci et al. (2016) and Yang (2020) have suggested approaches like linear normalization and using absolute positive-ideal and negative-ideal solutions. However, many studies have relied on simplistic, fabricated examples or simulations to illustrate the RR phenomenon, leaving its real-world impact and significance unclear (Shih and Olson, 2022). This research is motivated by the need for a more comprehensive understanding of RR in the TOPSIS method, driving an in-depth mathematical analysis of the underlying formulae to better quantify and explain the occurrence of RR.

Distance metrics, such as Manhattan, Euclidean, and Chebyshev, measure the dissimilarity or proximity between alternatives in different ways, each introducing variations in rankings due to their sensitivity to the scale and distribution of data. These variations can trigger RR by affecting the computed distances between alternatives. To mitigate RR, it is crucial to examine how these distance metrics influence the final rankings, providing insight into the underlying mechanics of RR. This study aims to fill a gap in the literature by exploring the role of these distance measures in the TOPSIS framework, offering a more detailed understanding of their influence on ranking reversals.

While the Chebyshev distance in TOPSIS offers robust ranking results, it has limitations in capturing subtle performance differences across multiple criteria. This lack of sensitivity to nuanced variations can lead to less precise distinctions between alternatives. Additionally, although Euclidean distance has been shown to outperform Manhattan distance in reducing RR, it may not fully eliminate the phenomenon. The study supports these conclusions through a case example, providing empirical validation for the effectiveness of different distance metrics in preventing RR, while acknowledging the limitations inherent to each approach.

The rest of the paper runs as follows. Section 2 reviews the existing resolutions for RR in TOPSIS. Section 3 delves into an examination of the ranking index of TOPSIS, presenting a mathematical perspective on TOPSIS using different distance metric methods for handling RR. Section 4 examines a case study. Section 5 offers concluding remarks on RR solutions for TOPSIS.

2Literature Review

RR can occur in an MCDM process when a new alternative is introduced or an existing one is removed from the candidate list, all without any adjustments to the criteria weights. This phenomenon is rooted in the intricate interactions between alternatives and their relative positions in the ranking. With the addition of a new alternative, the dynamic relationships among all options might shift, causing some alternatives to be reevaluated in the context of the changed landscape. Similarly, the removal of an alternative can lead to redistributions in the ranking as the absence of that option could amplify the importance of others. Rank reversal serves as a reminder of the delicate balance within decision frameworks, highlights the non-intuitive nature of multi-criteria scenarios, and underscores the need for a thoughtful and adaptable approach to decision-making.

Building on the observations of the RR phenomenon in TOPSIS, Ren et al. (2007) presented pioneering research in addressing RR within TOPSIS. They introduced a novel modified synthetic evaluation method wherein two separation measures are transformed into a two-dimensional plane, and the ranking index is determined by the distance to PIS minus the minimum of all alternatives to PIS. However, it appears that their proposal lacks a systematic approach to avoiding the RR phenomenon, and the examples presented, such as those in the public health system and student evaluation, serve primarily for illustrative purposes.

Wang and Luo (2009) contributed to the literature by showcasing an example highlighting the occurrence of RR in the TOPSIS algorithm. However, they did not specifically identify the impact arising from non-dominated alternatives.

Zavadskas et al. (2006) studied the impact of vector and max-min normalization on TOPSIS ranking accuracy. Chakraborty and Yeh (2009) simulated comparisons of one vector and three linear normalization methods for TOPSIS, advocating for vector normalization based on ranking consistency and weight sensitivity. Çelen (2014) compared four normalization methods from Chakraborty and Yeh (2009) in evaluating the Turkish deposit banking market, affirming vector normalization’s reliability and noting that max-min and max normalization also produced consistent results. Kong (2011) aimed to mitigate RR by introducing linear normalization and incorporating extreme fictitious alternatives to stabilize PIS and NIS. However, Kong’s example was limited to five alternatives with two criteria.

García-Cascale and Lamata (2012) similarly considered the approaches introduced by Kong (2011). They further elaborated on numerous situations, presenting an example with four alternatives and two criteria.

İç (2014) explored the integration of design of experiments (DoE) into TOPSIS for the financial performance evaluation of companies. The study concluded with a five-alternative case involving five criteria to illustrate the DoE-TOPSIS method, aiming to preserve ranking. However, despite the belief that this combination could avoid RR, the method did not demonstrate improvement in the steps of TOPSIS.

Cables et al. (2016) proposed a reference ideal method, redefining the distance to the reference ideal as an interval and linearly normalizing performance data into a value. They also modified the separation measures, making the reference ideal as the vector of weights. The method was illustrated using a personnel selection case with five candidates and six criteria, claiming independence from the type of data. However, verification of this illustration is challenging due to the assumed interval values and reliance on a single example.

Senouci et al. (2016) suggested a modified TOPSIS for selecting a mobile network interface, incorporating linear normalization with four types and dynamically setting max/min values against RR. Their case involved seven alternatives and was evaluated by five criteria through simulation. Despite achieving a zero RR ratio with two types of normalization, we will later demonstrate that their case is unable to avert the RR phenomenon.

In addition to the developments above, Kuo (2017) investigated weighting on the elements of the TOPSIS ranking index, showing that the proposed modified ranking index outperforms the traditional TOPSIS in ranking consistency. Mufazzal and Muzakkir (2018) proposed a proximity index to overcome RR, utilizing Manhattan distance to count separation measures and using the sum of distances as the ranking index. Although they provided seven historical cases as evidence for the proposed approach, they were unable to clarify the ranking differences observed in their outcomes or elucidate the properties of the index.

Authors de Farias Aires and Ferreira (2019) introduced two forms of linear normalization to modify the traditional TOPSIS. They demonstrated the robustness of their approach through a student selection case involving twenty alternatives with three criteria and their subsets.

Yang (2020) made modifications to the approach proposed by de Farias Aires and Ferreira (2019), incorporating linear normalization of historical extreme values and assigning weights only to PIS. The study used Wang and Luo’s questionable example (Wang and Luo, 2009) to showcase the rank stability achieved by their approach.

Based on the studies mentioned above, the proposed solutions to mitigate RR are classified into the following five main categories.

  • Category I: Alteration of normalization formulae, which include approaches such as linear normalization that deviate from the traditional TOPSIS method.

  • Category II: Modification of the determination of PIS and/or NIS, departing from the conventional approach of maximizing and minimizing performance values on each criterion of all existing alternatives.

  • Category III: Change in the calculation formulae of separation measures, aiming to refine the metrics used to assess the distance between alternatives and the ideal solutions.

  • Category IV: Reconstruction of the components of relative closeness, which involves redefining the parameters used to evaluate the proximity of alternatives to the ideal solutions.

  • Category V: Deviation from or addition of extra steps to the traditional TOPSIS procedure, introducing new methodologies or steps to mitigate the occurrence of RR and enhance the robustness of the decision-making process.

It is observed that the five categories mentioned above are arranged according to the steps of the TOPSIS procedure. Table 1 summarizes other research efforts, and the proposed strategies aimed at alleviating RR in TOPSIS. The majority of proposed solutions are concentrated in Categories I and II, while fewer solutions are found in the other categories. Categories I, II, and III primarily revolve around the selection of suitable normalization methods and modifications to the original separation measure formulae. The choice of a distance measurements plays a crucial role in assessing the relative proximity of alternatives to PIS and NIS, aside from modifying the determination of PIS and/or NIS. However, there is a lack of literature that explicitly address the relationship between RR and the specific method used for distance measures. As a result, our focus is directed towards exploring the effects of different normalization methods and distance metrics, particularly the Minkowski metric.

Table 1

Classification of proposed solutions for mitigating RR in TOPSIS.

CategoryAuthor(s) (year)
ILi (2009); Kong (2011); García-Cascale and Lamata (2012); Cables et al. (2016); Senouci et al. (2016); de Farias Aires and Ferreira (2019); Yang (2020); Tiwari and Kumar (2021); Yang et al. (2022); Ciardiello and Genovese (2023)
IIKong (2011); García-Cascale and Lamata (2012); İç (2014); Cables et al. (2016); Senouci et al. (2016); de Farias Aires and Ferreira (2019); Yang (2020); Tiwari and Kumar (2021); Yang et al. (2022)
IIIMufazzal and Muzakkir (2018)
IVRen et al. (2007); Li (2009); Kuo (2017); Mufazzal and Muzakkir (2018); Yang et al. (2022)
VRen et al. (2007); İç (2014); Shen (2021)

Note: Some studies have proposed solutions involving more than one category.

3A Mathematical Exploration of Normalization and Distance Measurements in TOPSIS

This section provides a comprehensive mathematical explanation of how normalization and distance measurements contribute to the phenomenon of RR. This investigation aims to understand the factors that give rise to RR in MCDM, with a particular focus on TOPSIS. The goal is to enhance decision-making by addressing the occurrences of rank reversal, which are comparatively less frequent in TOPSIS. The common algorithm of TOPSIS for ranking and selection includes the following seven steps (Hwang and Yoon, 1981).

  • Step 1: Create a decision or evaluation matrix D={xij}. The matrix refers to m alternatives and n criteria, with its performance element xij, i=1,,m, j=1,,n.

  • Step 2: Construct the normalized decision matrix R={rij}. Matrix D is normalized to matrix R with

    ϕ represents a specific type of normalization operation.

  • Step 3: Construct the weighted normalized decision matrix V. The matrix V={vij}={wjrij} is calculated by multiplying the elements at each column of the matrix R by their associated weights wj, j=1,,n.

  • Step 4: Determine the positive-ideal and negative-ideal solutions V+ (PIS) and V (NIS), respectively.

    J is associated with the benefit criteria (the properties whose higher values are desirable), and J is associated with the cost criteria.

  • Step 5: For each alternative i=1,,m, calculate the separation measures Si+ and Si. The separation measures can be quantified using the n-dimensional distance function, denoted as d:


  • Step 6: For each alternative i=1,,m, calculate its relative closeness Ci:

    where 0Ci1. The larger the index value is, the better is the performance of the alternative.

  • Step 7: Rank the preference order of all alternatives with the descending order of the value of Ci.

In the TOPSIS methodology, when comparing two alternatives, Ap and Aq, their respective relative closeness values are calculated as follows: Cp=Sp/(Sp++Sp) for alternative Ap and Cq=Sq/(Sq++Sq) for alternative Aq. If alternative Ap is preferred over alternative Aq in TOPSIS, then Cp must be greater than Cq. This can be expressed as:

After transposing the terms, the inequation can be rewritten as:
The mentioned expression is the fundamental formula employed to determine the preference relationship between alternatives Ap and Aq in TOPSIS. By assessing the result of SpSq+Sp+Sq, it is possible to establish whether Ap is preferable to Aq. A positive value indicates that Ap is preferred over Aq.

The mathematical models are based on a scenario in which a new alternative with the highest performance in a specific criterion, referred to as criterion k, is added to the candidate list. All criteria are considered as benefit criteria. Benefit criteria represent the positive attributes or qualities that decision-makers are trying to optimize or maximize in their decision-making process.

Similar to many MCDM methods, TOPSIS utilizes criteria weights in its aggregation process. These weights, assigned to criteria, play a crucial role in measuring the overall preferences of alternatives. Different sets of weights can significantly impact the ranks of alternatives (Kaliszewski et al., 2018). However, this study solely focuses on the distance measurements and normalization methods, thereby disregarding the weighting effect. Hence, all criteria weights are assumed to be identical and unchanged. Consequently, we assume wj=1/n for all criteria j. Figure 1 outlines the scope of this mathematical evaluation. The forthcoming exploration will delve into the mathematical aspects to identify the fundamental causes of RR in TOPSIS, particularly focusing on the impact of the normalization process and the use of different distance metrics. Initially, the max-min normalization method will be employed as a basis for analysis. The study will examine how different distance metrics—namely Euclidean, Manhattan, and Chebyshev—affect the ranking of alternatives, driving a detailed mathematical investigation into the underlying formulae to better quantify and explain the occurrence of RR. In the subsequent section, the analysis will extend to explore the effects of the max normalization method.

Fig. 1

Scope of the study.

Scope of the study.

3.1Max-Min Normalization

The normalization process is designed to allow fair comparison of alternatives across diverse criteria. It is a crucial step in the MCDM process, because it helps ensure fair and meaningful comparisons among different criteria or alternatives. Pena et al. (2022) explored normalization techniques for both quantitative and qualitative criteria in MCDM. They particularly focused on normalizing qualitative data using fuzzy concepts. However, when a new alternative is added, its performance on existing criteria can disrupt the normalization balance. If the new alternative performs exceptionally well on certain criteria compared to the existing alternatives, then the new alternative is disproportionately favoured in the ranking, possibly leading to a reversal in the original ranking order.

Chen (2019) investigated the influence of three normalization methods (sum, max-min, and vector) on entropy-based TOPSIS. Results indicated normalization notably impacted outcomes by shaping criteria data diversity. Chen advised against normalization in entropy weight computation and suggested vector normalization for TOPSIS. This study conducts max-min normalization. Among the normalization methods discussed, the max-min normalization method exhibits a certain behaviour. When a new alternative is introduced, only the normalized values associated with the specified kth criterion are adjusted, while the normalized values of all original alternatives under other criteria remain unchanged. This simplifies the complexity of our further analysis on the impact of distance measures on rank reversal. Before the new alternative with its performance element xnew,j, j=1,,n is added, the normalized performance rij of alternative i on criterion j can be calculated as:

where maxx.j and minx.j are the maximum and minimum values of all alternatives’ performances on criterion j, respectively.

Attention is now directed to criterion k, where the new alternative exhibits the highest performance. Upon the introduction of the new alternative, its normalized performance rnew,k is 1, as it possesses the highest performance. At the same time, the normalized performances rik of other alternatives might be influenced by the new range of values. Let Δk=xnew,k/maxx.k, and the original rik is transformed into:

where 0δk=(maxx.kminx.k)/(maxx.kminx.k)1. Since the new normalized values in criterion k are computed by multiplying the original normalized values by δk, the successive calculation in TOPSIS to determine the final ranking significantly depends on the value of δk. It is important to note that if max normalization is employed as a replacement for max-min normalization, then parameter δk can be adjusted to 1/Δk.

Since it is already established that Δk>1, it follows that rik<rik. Accordingly, due to the normalization process, all other alternatives, excluding the new one, experience decreased scores. However, the positive-ideal and negative-ideal solutions, denoted as V+ (PIS) and V (NIS), respectively, remain unchanged, given that V+=[v1+,,vn+]=[1/n,,1/n] and V=[v1,,vn]=[0,,0].

The next step is to explore how different distance measurements impact the ranking results when using max-min normalization scores. This study specifically considers three distance measures used in TOPSIS: Euclidean, Manhattan, and Chebyshev distances.

3.2Euclidean Distance

The Euclidean distance is a straightforward and widely used measurement that calculates the straight-line distance between two points in a multi-dimensional space. In this case, following the TOPSIS method and utilizing Euclidean distance for separation measures, the initial two separation measures, Si+ and Si, before introducing the new alternative are as follows:


Within the candidate list, select any two alternatives, Ap and Aq, where Ap is preferred over Aq according to the TOPSIS method. It can then be observed that the expression SpSq+Sp+Sq>0, or equivalently, SpSq+>Sp+Sq, holds true. Representing this expression using the Euclidean metric, the following result is derived:

However, upon introducing the new alternative in this case, the separation measures are modified to:

Given that alternative Ap is initially preferred to Aq according to the TOPSIS method, when the new alternative is introduced to the list of candidates, it is imperative to uphold the following formula to avoid alterations in the ranking order.

In mathematical terms, this relationship is expressed as:
where it is observed that rik2(1δk2)>0 and (δkrik1)2(rik1)2>0. To comprehend how the introduction of a new alternative, excelling in criterion k, to the candidate list influences the likelihood of RR, two distinct scenarios covering various conditions are explored.

Scenario 1: xpk>xqk.  In the given scenario, it is apparent that rpk>rqk and rpk>rqk. Furthermore, the following inequalities are valid:

Moreover, it is ensured that if rpk+rqk<2/(δk+1), then
It is noted that rpk+rqk<1 and 12(δk+1)2. Therefore, rpk+rqk<2(δk+1), which implies that (δkrpk1)2(rpk1)2 is always larger than (δkrqk1)2(rqk1)2.

The sum of squared values j=1n(rij)2 in essence significantly surpasses rik2rik2, and j=1n(rij1)2 is notably larger than (δkrik1)2(rik1)2. In most cases, the condition SpSq+>Sp+Sq can be maintained when the new alternative is introduced. However, if SpSq+SqSp+, then the final ranking between alternatives p and q can be altered especially when rpk2(1δk2)>>rqk2(1δk2) and (δkrpk1)2(rpk1)2(δkqik1)2(rqk1)2. Let G1 represent the gap between rpk2(1δk2) and rqk2(1δk2), and G2 represent the gap between (δkrpk1)2(rpk1)2 and (δkrqk1)2(rqk1)2. It is obvious that Δk amplifies the difference between rpk2(1δk2) and rqk2(1δk2), leading to an increased gap. Similarly, the disparity between (δkrpk1)2(rpk1)2 and (δkrqk1)2(rqk1)2 also widens. Figures 2 and 3 illustrate the values of G1 and G2 for varying rpkrqk and Δk, with rqk is fixed at 0.1. The parameter Δk plays a critical role in amplifying both gap measures. The impact is particularly strong at higher rpkrqk values. For example, when rpk=0.9, increasing Δk from 1 to 10 results in a substantial growth in both G1 and G2. At lower rpkrqk, the effect of Δk is less pronounced but still present.

Fig. 2

The gap G1 as a function of rpk and Δk.

The gap G1 as a function of rpk and Δk.
Fig. 3

The gap G2 as a function of rpk and Δk.

The gap G2 as a function of rpk and Δk.

Scenario 2: xpkxqk.  Given rqk>rpk, rqk>rpk, it can be demonstrated that:

As a result, the inequality SpSq+>Sp+Sq still upholds. The possibility of RR occurring is negligible.

3.3Manhattan Distance

Manhattan distance, also known as city block distance, calculates the sum of the absolute differences between the coordinates of two points. When applied to determine the relative closeness of alternatives to PIS and NIS in this case, the initial separation measures for Si+ and Si are as follows:


Assuming that Ap is initially preferred over Aq as per the TOPSIS method, a result arises: SpSq+>Sp+Sq. This inequality holds significance and can be expressed more explicitly as:

However, upon the introduction of the new alternative, the separation measures undergo adjustments:

To maintain the existing ranking order when introducing a new alternative, the following formula must be satisfied:

In mathematical terms, this relationship can be expressed as:

If xpk>xqk, then it follows that rpk>rqk. In cases where SpSq+SqSp+, the outcomes of rpk(1δk) and rqk(1δk) can have a notable impact on the final ranking between alternatives p and q. The final ranking between alternatives p and q can be altered when rpk(1δk)rqk(1δk). This can occur when rpk>rqk and Δk is a substantially larger value (with δk representing a small value). It is worth noting that the impact of changes in δk in Eq. (22) is more pronounced compared to Eq. (13). This observation underscores the fact that employing Euclidean distance can be more effective in reducing the occurrence of the RR scenario when compared to using Manhattan distance.

3.4Chebyshev Distance

Chebyshev distance calculates the maximum absolute difference between corresponding attributes. It is suitable for scenarios where only the most extreme differences are of interest. When using Chebyshev distance, the initial separation measures for Si+ and Si are computed as follows:

After introduction of the new alternative, the updated separation measures are given by:
If the maximum value does not exist in the kth criterion before and after the introduction of the new alternative, then the separation measures remain unchanged, and no RR occurs; otherwise, assuming xpk>xqk, the following six extreme conditions should be explored to assess the potential occurrence of the RR phenomenon. These conditions are detailed in Table 2. The symbol “*” denotes the separation measures with the maximum value in the kth criterion. Table 3 illustrates the outcomes, indicating whether SpSq+ is greater than Sp+Sq or not, given the condition SpSq+>Sp+Sq, where l, m, and j represent criteria other than the kth criterion.

Table 2

Conditions for assessing RR phenomenon under various scenarios.

Table 3

Assessment of RR conditions considering different scenarios.

ConditionsSpSq+Sp+SqRR status

As δk decreases, 1n(1δkrpk) and 1n(1δkrqk) increase, while 1nδkrpk and 1nδkrqk decrease. The significance of δk in determining the inequality is evident. Under conditions 1, 4, and 6, it is readily demonstrated that SpSq+ remains larger than Sp+Sq, precluding the occurrence of RR. However, under conditions 2, 3, and 5, the possibility of RR arises. Condition 2 states that both alternatives Ap and Aq exhibit the maximum distance from the PIS value in the kth criterion, both before and after the introduction of the new alternative. In Condition 3, alternative Ap is specified to maintain the maximum distance from the NIS value in the kth criterion, both before and after the introduction of the new alternative. Condition 5 underscores the focus on alternative Ap, consistently revealing the longest distance to the PIS value in the kth criterion, both preceding and succeeding the introduction of the new alternative. It is crucial to note that RR is not a common outcome in the majority of conditions.

4Illustrative Case

Hwang and Yoon’s fighter selection problem is modified to consider only the first three benefit criteria for interpretation (Hwang and Yoon, 1981). Table 4 shows the decision matrix. Criterion X1 corresponds to maximum speed, X2 pertains to ferry range, and X3 relates to maximum payload. Table 5 shows the normalized decision matrix using the min-max normalization method. Utilizing the TOPSIS method, Tables 6, 7, and 8 showcases the ranking outcomes obtained by employing Manhattan distance, Euclidean distance, and Chebyshev distance to calculate separation measures, respectively, without taking criteria weights into account.

Table 4

Decision matrix of the four alternatives evaluated by three criteria.

Table 5

Normalized decision matrix.


According to Tables 6 and 7, using Manhattan and Euclidean distances yields identical ranking results. The initial ranking result shows A2A4A3A1. However, when employing Chebyshev distance, the separation measures calculate the distance between the alternative and PIS/NIS, considering only the maximum absolute difference among the three criteria. Under such circumstances, the outcomes are determined solely by the performance of the alternative in a single criterion. Therefore, when an alternative excels in a particular criterion, it secures the optimal ranking. For example, A3 outperforms in criterion X3, resulting in a priority 1 ranking, or the same as A2. Because using Chebyshev distance in calculating separation measures does not simultaneously consider the influence of all criteria, the resulting ranking may be biased. Evaluating the performance of alternatives neglects other criteria and focuses solely on one criterion with extreme values. Therefore, adopting Chebyshev distance to compute separation measures in most MCDM problems might not be entirely appropriate. It could be challenging to differentiate rankings in the performance assessment of many candidate solutions.

Table 6

Results of ranking based on Manhattan distance.

AlternativesSeparation measuresRank
Table 7

Results of ranking based on Euclidean distance.

AlternativesSeparation measuresRank
Table 8

Results of ranking based on Chebyshev distance.

AlternativesSeparation measuresRank

To simulate a scenario where RR might arise, alternative A5 is introduced for evaluation based on the criteria [X1=2,X2=2,700,X3=21,000]. Despite the addition of A5, PIS remains unchanged. The new rankings, using Manhattan and Euclidean distances, are A5A2A4A3A1., However, when employing Chebyshev distance, the rankings are A5A2=A3A4A1. Importantly, the order of A1, A2, A3, and A4 remains consistent by using the same distance measurement, indicating the absence of RR. The achievement rating of alternative A5 on criterion X2 is gradually increased, leading to a change in PIS. In the current scenario, when the achievement rating of alternative A5 on criterion X2 continues to increase, the ratio of change ΔX2 is greater than 1 and increases synchronously. Tables 9, 10, and 11 illustrate the effect of increasing ΔX2 on alternatives A2 and A4 by using various distance measurements.

Table 9

Effect of the change ratio ΔX2 in PIS on rank reversal via Manhattan distance.

Table 10

Effect of the change ratio ΔX2 in PIS on rank reversal via Euclidean distance.

Table 11

Effect of the change ratio ΔX2 in PIS on rank reversal via Chebyshev distance.


The results indicate that, initially, A2 is preferred over A4 when ΔX2=1, regardless of the distance measurements employed. The preference order remains consistent with the situation before the introduction of A5 to the candidate list. As ΔX2 increases to 2.0, signifying a twofold improvement in A5’s performance in criterion X2, RR occurs when Manhattan distance is employed to calculate separation measures (see Table 9). Interestingly, A4 outperforms A2 in this scenario, although A2 is the superior solution before the introduction of A5. If Euclidean distance is utilized, then RR emerges when ΔX2 increases to 2.6 (see Table 10).

As discussed in Section 3, it is highlighted that Euclidean distance has the potential to decrease the likelihood of RR compared to using Manhattan distance. In this case, the results are consistent with the previously stated expectations. In Table 10, it is evident that A2 consistently outperforms A4, irrespective of the increasing values of ΔX2. This consistent superiority indicates the absence of RR. A2 excels in X1 and has the poorest performance in X3, but not in X2, while A4 does not exhibit the best or worst performance in any criteria. Notably, A4 has the longest distance to PIS in criterion X2 both before and after the introduction of A5. Additionally, Table 4 confirms that A2 performs better than A4 in criterion X2, aligning with condition 6 in Table 11. Hence, using Chebyshev distance to calculate separation measures in this case ensures the absence of RR.

Figure 4 illustrates the variations in the functions of S2S4+S2+S4 in response to changes in ΔX2 using different distance measurements. When the values of these functions decrease below 0, it indicates a shift in the preference order between A2 and A4, transitioning from A2A4 to A4A2. When utilizing Manhattan distance, it is evident that the decreasing slope of the function is steeper compared to using Euclidean distance. This suggests that using Manhattan distance can make it more susceptible to the occurrence of RR. If the primary concern is to avoid RR, then opting for Chebyshev distance can be the best solution.

Fig. 4

Effect of the change ratio ΔX2 on alternatives A2 and A4 via Max-Min normalization.

Effect of the change ratio ΔX2 on alternatives A2 and A4 via Max-Min normalization.

For comparison, max normalization is now employed in this example, utilizing a fixed NIS in the process, denoted as V=[v1,,vn]=[0,,0]. Figure 5 depicts the fluctuations in the functions of S2S4+S2+S4 in response to variations in ΔX2, employing different distance measurements. It is evident that employing max normalization appears to yield a more resilient ranking result compared to using max-min normalization. No instances of RR occurred even after increasing ΔX2 to 10. Notably, when utilizing Manhattan distance, the decreasing slope of the function is steeper compared to using Euclidean distance. However, the utilization of Chebyshev distance still yields highly robust results.

Fig. 5

Effect of the change ratio ΔX2 on alternatives A2 and A4 via Max normalization.

Effect of the change ratio ΔX2 on alternatives A2 and A4 via Max normalization.

Max-min normalization scales the performance scores based on the range of values for each criterion. It is sensitive to outliers and can be influenced by extreme values. For instance, consider alternative A5, which exhibits an extreme performance score in X2 as ΔX2 continues to increase. This situation emphasizes the sensitivity of max-min normalization to outliers, potentially leading to a more pronounced impact on the ranking outcomes, especially when certain alternatives demonstrate extreme performance in a particular criterion.

5Conclusion and Remarks

This paper presents a detailed mathematical analysis of the RR phenomenon in the context of TOPSIS, with a focus on its distance metrics and normalization. The objective is to enhance the TOPSIS process by understanding and addressing the occurrence of RR.

The exploration focused on how the introduction of a new alternative excelling in a specific criterion could disrupt the normalization balance and potentially lead to RR. The study analysed the impact of min-max normalization scores on ranking outcomes using Euclidean, Manhattan, and Chebyshev distance measures. Mathematical expressions were examined for separation measures before and after the introduction of a new alternative. Euclidean distance showed scenarios where RR might occur, particularly when the introduced alternative performed well in a specific criterion. Manhattan distance revealed similar trends, while Chebyshev distance highlighted conditions for RR under extreme differences. Overall, Euclidean distance appeared to outperform Manhattan in preventing RR.

Despite offering valuable insights into RR in MCDM processes within the TOPSIS framework, the study is limited to min-max and max normalization and three distance measures, with other normalization methods and dynamic criteria weights left unexplored. Managers should carefully select distance measures and normalization techniques based on the decision-making context, particularly when introducing strong alternatives could alter rankings. Future research could explore additional normalization techniques, distance metrics, dynamic criteria weighting, and hybrid approaches, providing further practical insights and enhancing the robustness of MCDM tools across industries.

In conclusion, the mathematical analysis provides valuable insights into the conditions and factors contributing to the phenomenon of RR in MCDM processes, specifically within the TOPSIS framework. By exploring different normalization methods and distance measures, we contribute to a deeper understanding of decision-making challenges and improve the robustness of MCDM methodologies in practical applications. The findings underscore the importance of careful consideration and customization of methods based on specific decision contexts to mitigate the risk of RR and to enhance the reliability of decision outcomes.



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