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Retraction to: miR-206 is an independent prognostic factor and inhibits tumor invasion and migration in colorectal cancer

IOS Press has retracted the following publication from its online content:

[Cancer Biomarkers, 15(4) (2015), 391–396, DOI: 10.3233/CBM-150489]

miR-206 is an independent prognostic factor and inhibits tumor invasion and migration in colorectal cancer

Pengda Suna,1, Dong Sunb,1, Xudong Wanga, Tianzhou Liua, Zhiming Maa and Liwei Duanc,

a Department of gastrointestinal surgery, 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, ChinabEthics Committee, 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, ChinacDepartment of Gastroenterology, 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, China

The corresponding author requested retraction of the article. The author states: “Unfortunately, we have recently discovered that in Fig. 3B in this article two panels overlap at the corners. After organizing and analyzing previous experimental data and results, all of our authors have found that this was an error that occurred during our experiment. We believe that the errors in the article may have an impact on the results, conclusions, and authenticity of the entire article. Therefore, with the unanimous consent of all authors, we apply to withdraw the manuscript”