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Keyword Index Volume 4 (2015)

1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy 359

2D asynchronous spectra 129

ab initio computations 223

acute gallbladder sludge 67

adenine–thymine 189

Alzheimer’s disease 341

anionic surfactant 209

anisotropy 299

aromatic side chains 5

artemisinin 129


attenuation 283

bacteriorhodopsin 5

bioimaging 391

biological scaffolds 331

bladder 283

brain 299

cancer diagnosis 35

carbohydrates 223

cerebrospinal fluid 341

channelrhodopsin 5

chemometric data analysis 57

chemometry 341

chirality 255

chromophores 283

chronic gallstone 67

circular dichroism 5

classification 139

codistribution analysis 109

contrast agent 81

density functional theory 255

desiccation tolerance 331

DFT 189

diagnosis 341

dichroism 159

diffusion 331

double asynchronous orthogonal sample design 129


endoscopy 373

equilibrium constant 209

excitons 5

folded and unfolded proteins 223

FTIR 67, 331, 341

glycoproteins 223

hemoglobin 5

hemophilia 359

hierarchical cluster analysis 341

hippocampus 197

history 5

HSV 373

hydrated metal cations 189

identification 139

image processing 373

infrared microscopy 57

infrared spectroscopy (IR) 57, 139

intermolecular interaction 129

knee injury 359

lanthanide ions 129

magnetic resonance imaging 197

melanin 283

membrane phase behavior 331

metabolomics 359

microstructure 299

modified 391

molecular chirality 223

molecular dynamics simulations 269

MRI 299

multimodal 391

Multiple Sclerosis 341

myoglobin 5

nanomaterials 391

near-infrared spectroscopy 283

neurodegenerative diseases 341

nucleic acids 223

optical activity 255

optical coherence tomography 35

oral cancer 171

Pareto scaling 109

peptides 223

pigmentation 283

plasmonic nanostructures 95

polymer 81

porphyrazine 209

post-traumatic osteoarthritis 359

principal component analysis (PCA) 171

principal component-linear discriminant analysis (PC-LDA) 171

principle component analysis 341

protein and lipid orientation 159

protein secondary structure 5, 109, 331

protein stability 331

Raman optical activity 223

Raman spectroscopy 35, 171

Raman spectroscopy and microscopy 95

RGB 373

rhodopsin 5

saccharide 269

secondary structure 159

SEM 67

serum 171, 341

spectrophotometry 209

steric configuration 269

subcellular localization 81

subfields 197

surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) 95

synchrotron radiation 269

T2 relaxation 299

time-dependent density functional theory 269

tissue diagnosis 57

tissue engineering 331

trace element 67

traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) 139

transition metal 255

transmission electron microscope 81

two-dimensional correlation infrared spectroscopy (2DCOS-IR) 139

two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy 109

ulcer 373

ultrasound imaging 81

upconversion 391

vector projection 109

vibrational optical activity 223

vibrational properties 189

vibrational spectroscopy 95, 255

viruses 223

volumetry 197