Affiliations: GECAD – Knowledge Engineering and Decision Support
Research Group, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, 4200-072 Porto,
Portugal. URL:
Abstract: Ontology mapping is the process whereby semantic relations are
defined between two ontologies at conceptual level, which in turn are applied
at data level transforming source ontology instances into target ontology
instances. Besides database schema mapping is a well-known problem, ontology
mapping, as a similar problem, faces new challenges in the context of Semantic
Web, especially concerning higher level of heterogeneity, evolution,
distribution, autonomy and limitations on representation technology. This paper
focuses on the formalization, representation, specification and execution of
ontology mapping. The architecture of the system is based on the notion of
Multi-dimensional Service, representing not only the system transformation
capabilities, but also the expertise in the manipulation of specific semantic
relations. In fact, the process of choosing, applying, validating, evolving or
negotiating a semantic relation depends on both the ontologies contents and the
transformations available in the system. This new architecture and mapping
process are being tested and validated in MAFRA Toolkit, a specific
implementation of MAFRA. The main contributions of this paper are the
formalization of the ontology mapping process, the specification and execution
methodology and the multi-dimensional service-oriented architecture.